The vampire next door

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Angela is no original girl. Something crazy happen to her in her life time. Angela meet this boy named Ryo online. Then spent thousand of time together day and night. But Ryo is keeping a sercet from Angela.

~Next Day~

Angela go to school sitting in science wondering about Ryo. Until the teacher arrive saying that they had a new classmate (everybody looks up) and there he was Ryo standing in front of the class smiling and waving to everyone even Angela. When she saw him she started hidding. The crazy thing is Ryo sit right next to her. The teacher told Angela to go back to her seat. For that whole time Angela was looking at th other side of the room while Ryo was staring at her.

~Bell rings~

As when Angela was walking out the class Ryo ran after her and grab her arm. (Angela: What are you doing?) Ryo just looked at her. Angela pull away from Ryo and started running down the hall to lunch. Ryo want slowy to them lunch room. When he entered he started walking to where Angela was. (Angela: What do you want from me!!) (Ryo: Your blood) Angela just looked at him scared (Angela: What is wrong with you? When I meet you online you wasn't like this!) (Ryo: Nothing is wrong it just you don't know Nothing about me !) (Angela: What?!!? Tell me what you are keeping away from me ryo) (Ryo: Haha I am a vampire not a good one either) Angela gets up from her seat and started heading for the doors to leave the lunch room.


Angela walking home thinkng about what the hell ryo said about him being a vampire. (Angela: This can't be TRUE!) Ryo walking behind her (Ryo: But it is true u have to believe it!) (Angela: Where he hell you came from !!!!?!! Stop following me go suck somebody eles blood I need mines!!!!) Ryo stops her and smile (Ryo: Just give me your blood that's all I need please) Angela kept on walking ingoring ryo whie he stand there shock that she just kept on walking (Ryo: You can't hide forever I will find you and when I do I will get your blood!!!!)


Angela sits on her bed waiting scared as she ever been. (Angela: How will I ever get out of this? When will this end?)

~Next Morning~

Angela sit in the kitchen eating a apple pie while looking at the newspaper. She read that somebody got killed last night by what they think is a vampire. Angela gasp and dropped her apple pie on the floor.

(Angela's mom: What happen sweetie?) (Angela:Nothing just need to go to school). Angela leave the house (Angela's mom yelling: Wait but you don't have school TODAY!).


Angela came back home worried. She sat in her bedroom for all most the whole 40 mins. (Angela: What if they really seen a vampire and it was ryo! What if he's coming after me next!!)

~Later that day~

Angela went on her dell laptop to talk to Ryo. (Angela is typing:Hi ryo I just wanted to say was you at a lake earler today) Ryo didn't answer. Angela stood up and went to the window to find ryo just looking at her. She fell back suprise as ever thinking How he know where she live. Angela starte to scream and ask ryo why was he here? Ryo didn't answer. She screamed again and said hellllllloooo. Ryo flew up to her window and started chocking her (Ryo: I told you I will get you and get your blood) Angela chocking on air and b his Muscle hand. Angela saw her life before her eyes when ryo started to bite in her neck tasting her blood.!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2013 ⏰

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