Our New House

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"Kathy, sweetheart. I know your not gonna be happy here, but your father and I needed a change. We wanted you to be safe honey. Oakland was not a safe place for you." Carol, Kathy's mom said.

"Mom, we just moved here cause dad got that dumb job you guys are always bragging about." said Kathy.

    Kathy and her parent have moved all the way from Oakland, California to Las Angeles, California.

Kathy was angry at her parents for making her move her. She had to leave her friends, her school, the volleyball team, the cheer squad, and most importantly, her boyfriend. Although they were still dating, she was sad she wouldn't get to be in his arms everyday. She missed him and she was so afraid that he would cheat on her with Mindy. Although Kathy had been the captain of the cheer squad, and the volleyball team, Mindy would try to take over. Everything was always about Mindy. Kathy hated the thought of Mindy dating her boyfriend. Should she have broke up with him? Kathy didn't like being "invisible", or not having every person in the school like her Facebook posts 200 times on different accounts. She's not used to have attention on her. She was scared in a way. All she could think about was what if no one liked her. What if boys didn't look at her the way they did at her old school? What if she doesn't make the cheer squad, or the volleyball team? What if nobody thought she was beautiful or hot like people in her old school? She wasn't as worried about that stuff though. She was worried about her boyfriend, Josh. All way up to Las Angeles, she was updating his page on Facebook, trying to see if he had added any new pictures of him and Mindy. She was doing the same to his Twitter and Instagram. And soon enough, she had gotten a text from her best friend, Brittany. They had been friends since first grade. When she opened the text, she was heartbroken. It was a picture of Mindy and Josh, sitting on the bleachers, kissing. She was so upset at that point, she didn't care what was about to happen. She called Josh, and when he answered, she immediately started yelling at him. He pretended to be confused, though she knew he knew. She ended the  call with the words "I thought I could trust you. Were done!" She then threw her self down into the middle of the street. It wasn't a busy street, so no cars came by. Until a boy from across the street came and laid next to her. She was very confused, so she turned her head and saw him. With beautiful dirty blond hair, braces and glasses. Though people in her old school who had braces AND glasses had acne and were considered nerds or dorks or something like that. But him, he was so pretty, he had beautiful brown eyes, he looked like he played sports. He was dressed in long sweat pants and a Nike hoodie with Nike tennis shoes. He looked as if he had just got done with practice. He was wet with sweat and is face was red, like a cherry. He looked at her and said "What are you doing in the middle of the street?" Though she couldn't talk cause she was so fathomed by how beautiful he was. "Hello?" The boy said.

           "I'm sorry, I was just thinking." she said as she looked back up at the sky.
                "What were you thinking about?" Said the boy.
                        "Well, it's complicated. I just moved here and so I left my friends and my boyfriend and well, he cheated on me."
                               "How shallow, oh, I never did catch your name." He said.
                                     "My name is Kathrine, by my friends call me Kathy." Said Kathy.
                                            "Cool, my names Logan. Here," he said as he got up. "Let me help you."
                  So, Logan helped Kathy up and he offered to have her and her family over to dinner that night. Just then, her phone rang... It was Brittany. She was just on the phone telling Kathy about how Josh ended it with Mindy and he wants her back. So after about five minutes, Kathy ended the call and said yes. So she had invited him inside to meet her parents.

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