Dont let me go.

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{Alex's P.O.V.}

"Drew stop!"I screamed.He was tickling me non-stop and he did it to annoy me.He knows I hate being tickled."Drew please stop.You like to annoy me don't you?"I asked laughing."Just a little bit."Drew smirked.I pushed him off of me and ran to the bedroom and locked the door so he couldn't get in.I knew he was chasing after me and I knew for sure he would try to get the door open."Will you let me in?"Drew asked."Are you done tickling me?"I laughed."Yes.I promise."He said from the other side of the door.I opened the door just a little so my head could stick out and he took that opportunity to open the door and burst in.He wasn't tickling me like I expected though.His arms were around my waist and he was hugging me.Something was wrong."Drew whats wrong?"I asked him."Would you rather know now or later?"He replied."Now obviously.Now tell me what's wrong."I demanded.Drew sighed heavily and looked at me."We will be Las Vegas for two months."He blurted out."Two months?!"I asked,shocked."When do you leave?"I asked again.

"Tomorrow morning.I'm packing tonight.Would you mind helping me?"Drew smirked a little,trying to make me give in.

"I guess.Are the guys coming by tonight?"I asked.

"Yeah.Not for to long though."

Drew was going to be gone for two months.What am I going to do to occupy myself for a whole two months.He has never been gone for more than three weeks.I don't think I can handle being alone for two months without Drew.


I started helping Drew pack his things for the two month trip and that's when the boys walked in.Well one of them was a boy considering Devin is fifteen and the rest are over eighteen."Hey guys."I said.They all nodded except Devin,who tackled me in a bear hug.He may be fifteen,but he was sure strong."Hi Devin."I laughed.He was like my little brother,so this wasn't anything new for us."Devin get off of her."Drew said,jealous.He tends to do that a lot."Don't worry Drew.I won't take her away from you.But when I'm legal we are getting married,right?"Devin said,looking up at me with a smile."Aw,you're so cute.Thinking we are getting married when you're eighteen.Three years is a long time,Devin.Plus,you are like my little brother."I explained.Devin gave me a pouty face and went over by TC."TC she hurt my feelings."Devin said."Dude,she is 24.You're 15.It will never happen."TC said.We all laughed at TC's statement.Soon enough all the boys left and went home while Drew and I continued to pack his things."We're done!"Drew said,zipping his suitcase.I changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed next to Drew.I cuddled into his chest his head on mine.He was humming the words of "One Night" to me and I slowly fell asleep.


I was being awaken by Drew shaking me slighty."What?"I said."Babe,wake up.I leave in an hour."Drew said.I opened my eyes and sat up in the bed.He was still on his side of the bed laying down,but he was wide awake."If you have to leave in an hour why aren't you getting ready?"I said."I wanted to wake you up first."He said."Well,now I'm awake.So you can start getting ready."I laughed.I got out of bed and walked out of the room to the kitchen.I grabbed a a glass and filled it up with water and sat on the counter.I fiddled with the glass in my hands and set it back down.I heard my phone ringing in the other room so I went to grab it.I looked at the caller I.D. to see who was calling and it was Jayk."Hi Jayk."I greeted him."Hey Alex.Is Drew getting ready?"He asked."Yeah,he is in the shower right now."I replied."Okay.See you guys later."He said."Bye."I said as I hung up the phone."Who was that?"Drew asked.I jumped a little because I didn't know he was out of the shower."It was Jayk.He called to see if you were getting ready."I responded.He picked out his clothes for the day and started getting ready.He was soon ready to leave and he put his stuff in the car.We drove to Jayk's house,because all the other boys were already there.


We arrived at Jayk's house and everyone was waiting there.Drew took out his suitcase and we made our way over to the boys."Are you ready?"TC asked."I guess."Drew said.I gave him a hug and not wanting to let go."I'll miss you."I whispered.He didn't respond,just hugged me tight."Go.You need to leave.I'll be fine."I said."I love you."Drew said."I love you too.I'll see you in two months."I smiled.He gave me one last kiss and he sure made it worth waiting two months for.I gave all the other boys a hug and a kiss on the cheek before leaving."Take care of him."I said to Jayk."Don't I always?"Jayk laughed."I'm serious.It isn't that I don't trust him,but just make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.Please."I begged."I promise to watch over him.I feel like I'm the older brother watching over the little brother."He said."That is because you are,Jayk."I said.He laughed and gave me one last hug."Drew,be safe."I yelled over to him."Always,babe."He yelled back.I waved at the boys goodbye and got back into the car.I began to drive back to the house and think about what I will do for the next two months.My life should be fun,right?


Hey guys!So this is my new story,obviously.If you don't know who After Romeo is,look them up!!They are amazing singers and so freaking hot!!!Anyways,vote/comment/share!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2013 ⏰

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