Introduction :)

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Hello there! ^ That's Becca Nelson at the top and do enjoy the read. This chapter is merely the introduction by the way. Thank you for pressing the heavenly 'read' button <3 I love you already HAHA. Story starts officially next chapter :)

"Okay Becca, it's about time you get off or I'll lay my hands on the eject button!" Dad remarked as the car screeched to a halt.

I tsked at his remark.

How threatening.

I glanced ahead of me and a broad school gate packed with students welcomed me.

Wait, scratch that.

It didn't welcome me.

In fact, it intimidated me.

Looking at the students who were so oh-so-comfortable with their surroundings as they squeezed in the school gate with their best friends, or they call it - besties, I clutched onto my backpack tightly and glanced over to my dad. I was definitely not ready for this.

A new school, new friends (note the hopeful tone) and new teachers.

The future that I was about to face.

Nah, I was definitely not ready for this.

"Five minutes dad, just five minutes." I smiled sheepishly at my dad's amused face.

"C'mon Becca. We both know you're better than this. Go on in and kick some asses. Don't get me started on The Three Rules of Kicking Asses all over again. You know you hate it." Dad threatened as I hesitated to open the car door.


"It's now or never Becca."

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.


"OKAY OKAY I'M OUT! I'M GETTING MY ASS OUT OF HERE!" I half-yelled before dad could manage to blurt out anything.

He put on the not-satisfied-face and glared at me.

"Andddd don't worry dad, I'mma kick some asses."

A genuine smile appeared on his face as if he had just won the lottery. Tsk.

"Now that's my girl." He waved me a goodbye and sped off as I closed the door behind me.

Leaving the past behind me as well, I took a courageous step and entered the unfamiliar grounds of South Crescent High School.

Hello future.

A/N: DON'T WORRY GUYS, this is JUST a short chapter to kick off the story so the following chapters will be much longer than this. And besides this is not the real storyline, it's merely an introduction to how it's her first day of school (obviously). Thank you for actually reading this thing (you have no idea how much it means to me) and I hope you will continue to read it till the end. I'll definitely introduce more main characters in the next chapter so stay tuned!

Please leave constructive comments (and vote for the story too) when you're done reading because it's kinda what motivates me to write! :) xoxo - Mel

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