Chapter 12

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Niall's POV

I know I shouldn't have done that. But seriously her voice is amazing absolutely amazing! I texted her saying sorry about 50 times. I decided to call her while driving to my flat. The boys are freaking out I guess. But I'm 19 years old I do what I want.

I unlocked the door. 4 boys sat on my couch watching tv. Liam notices me and runs tackling me into a hug. I hug him back. Louis after him, then Harry and Zayn. Zayn notices something bothering me but doesn't press for answers. I walk to my room after they left. My phone started to buzz signaling I have a text from management

"She's good. When can we get her in to record a demo?"

To texted back saying tomorrow at 12. I jumped around excitedly. She's going to be famous! MY famous girlfriend.

I ran and texted Hartley to meet me here in 2 hours.

Hartley's POV

I opened my eyes and uncurled myself from around Niall's jacket. I looked to see my phone blinking saying I have a text from Niall. "Come over to my flat. Big news. I'm sorry and I love you Hartley."

I looked at the time and saw I had 30 minutes to get to his flat. I ran out leaving my phone on the counter.

I was in the car, driving to Niall's flat. I was almost there when I see to head lights coming my way. I turned to see a huge truck coming then...CRASH.

Niall's POV

I waited and waited for Hartley. I was about to go to sleep, when Keri started to call me. "Hello?" I asked confused. "N-Niall," Keri started crying. "Hartley w-was in a c-car a-accident."


Mwahahaha I'm evil. Hope you enjoy

~ Dirctionerloving1D




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