Chapter 1 - Man In the Alley

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Then the lights  went out for the final time.

Forest finished her book ‘Love Is Not Control’ and sighed. She stretched, looking around the room. Her fellow students where all chatting and messing around on their laptops. She saw the most popular girl, Eliza, looking up pictures of one direction for her desktop. They had been given a free period by their chinese teacher who was working with individual students. 

Forest decided to read over her book. It was about a girl named Rose, who was a maid. She gets kidnapped by SHINee, then when escaping runs (literally) into Super Junior, then is ‘rescued’ by Infinite. In the end she gets killed trying to save Taemin. Forest didn’t know why she did that. She guessed she had really been planning it the whole time. 

Forest checked her watch. Fifteen more minutes to go. She had enough time to publish on wattpad. She quickly logged on and posted. She checked how many reads she had. Then she had a fangirl moment quietly. 124 reads! As she calmed her inner fangirl, her computer screen went funny. It often did this. She just had to hit it for a while, then it would go back to normal. She started banging her computer with her fist.

The screen didn’t change. Forest banged two fists against it until it started flickering. She stopped hopefully, but it didn’t change. Forest started battering it like a maniac. Everyone in the class was now staring. The screen changed, and Forest sat down again unembarrassed. Eliza whispered in the closest person’s ear “Weirdo.” The person nodded vigorously. 

Ever since she was little people had called Forest. She could see further then anyone, she could hear further than anyone, she was exceptionally beautiful, the list went on and on. According to her parents she was a monster, not worth being their daughter. She given away to an orphanage which kicked her out when her teeth grew sharper. She still went to school, public, but she slept where she could, and that meant some disgusting places.

Ever since she had started school, she was treated like a weirdo. Even public school had it’s costs, like her laptop, but she had a scholarship to cover that now. She had a part time job at a local kindergarten. She never complained, even when she got the worst laptop ever. Her orphanage had named her after the wild forest outside. She didn’t have a last name.

The only thing that made her truly happy was her music. She listened to KPOP. This is Korean pop music. Her favourite band was SHINee, her favourite person, Lee Taemin. She didn’t care what people thought of her. She had saved money up for two years to get an small ipod, which she treasured. Whenever she had spare money, she would buy a new song. So far she had 75 treasured songs. 

The bell rung, signaling the end of class. Forest collected her things, put her laptop away, and headed to her locker. Before she got there, she was pushed against a wall. Her books fell out of her hands. She looked up. It was Eliza and her cronies. “Yes?” asked Forest, gathering up her stuff. “Your a weirdo. Why don’t you just go kill yourself? No one likes you!” Eliza cried. “Why don’t you go yourself?” Forest asked. 

Eliza was angry. Forest felt it in all the punches that she blocked swiftly. She ran down the corridor. She knew Eliza wouldn’t follow her. Her boyfriend was approaching. Forest opened her locker and pulled out her bag. She put her stuff away, and walked out of the school. She was in a sad mood, so she put “Dream Girl” on her ipod, and put in the shabby old headphones she had found in a bin. As she listened she wondered where she was going to sleep that night. 

But first she had work. Her work was in the middle of the town, so she walked down the hill, and waited at the junction. Five cars raged past before one finally stopped and let her across. Whenever she came to junctions, well, really, whenever, she always only wore one headphone in her ear. She lifted her hand up acknowledgment before she started to cross. 

Good thing to, over wise she would be flatter then a pancake. The car suddenly raged past so quickly that Forest was sure it had tried to hit her. She stumbled back and hit her head on a post. She staggered, then righted. That was another one of her abnormalities. The fact that she never got as badly hurt as everyone else. 

A car pulled over. The driver jumped out. “Are you OK?” she asked worriedly. Forest nodded, smiling. “I’m fine.” she reassured the women. “Wow, you hit your head so hard I thought you would at least fall unconscious.” The women said confusedly. Forest smiled. The driver sat back down in her car and drove off. Forest waited till the next break in cars.

Forest arrived at the kindergarten where she worked. She looked around before she went in. She had the feeling she was being watched. She turned around and saw a shape move into the dark shadows of the alley behind her. She was about to head down there, when a voice called to her. “Are you coming inside Forest?” asked a kind voice. Forest turned around and saw Ms Bear smiling down at her. “Yes Ms.” Forest responded quickly, walking in. She changed into her working outfit, tied up her hair, and put on her apron.

As soon as she walked in all the little children surrounded her. “Hello Foser!” they cried, hugging her. Today they were dressed up as indians. “Hello my little tribe!” she said back at them. The youngest put a feather in her hair. Forest smiled. She was in her heaven.

Three hours later, Forest finished packing up. All the little kids had been picked up, and Ms Bear had gone home. All there was left to do was lock up the place and look for a place to sleep for the night. She headed out the door, and locked it behind. She checked everywhere for a way in, but there was none to be found. She slung her bag over her shoulder, and looked for a place to sleep. The alleyway opposite was looking like the best place at that moment.

As she made her way in, she heard a pebble move. Most people wouldn’t hear this sort of thing, but it was of her abnormalities. She froze, and peered down. She could just see a mop of hair. Maybe this wasn’t the best place to sleep. But it was the only place. She could protect herself, she’d done it before, but she still felt a bit uneasy. 

She made her way down, pretending she hadn’t seen anything. She noticed a nook in a wall, and placed her bag there. She took out her sleeping bag, and started setting up. Suddenly from behind a rag was pressed to her mouth. “Breath in.” a husky voice ordered. Forest held her breath, and pretended to fall unconscious. The person picked her up. Quick as a flash Forest landed a punch in his gut. 

The man dropped Forest out of surprise and she got up quickly. She readied herself for a fight. The man just stood there. Then he lashed a hand to her neck. Forest blocked it quickly. The man looked even more surprised. He tried to kick her, but she grabbed his leg and flipped him over. “I want to get sleep!” she cried. 

Then her ipod slipped out of her pocket and hit the ground. I started to play ‘Insane’. Forest scooped it up, and turned it off. She shoved it into her pocket. “Appropriate song.” said the man in the same husky voice. Forest glared at him. “Well, time to actually get you.” the man said, and he jumped up and ran full speed at Forest. She dodged him, and ran to her bag. As she ran out the alleyway he landed a punch to her left cheek. 

He had a powerful punch, but Forest hardly felt it as she ran. It was almost midnight said her watch. Forest leant against a wall nearby. She felt her cheek. The bruise was small and would be gone in half an hour or so. Forest realized the wall she was leaning on was actually a bus station. She set up her sleeping bag and nuzzled into it. It was time for some much needed sleep.

The Vampire Mate (KPOP Fanfiction) Book 2 'SHINee Fantasy' SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now