I was Alone

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I was ALONE! Everyone, every single body made me seating in my room alone.
"Jeez! I'm alone." I said with strong voice "What's wrong with me?" My voice was wiggling like a small tree under a strong wind's force.
"What? What was it? I'm sure I heard something!" I asked myself out loud. "Glie" something just made a weird sound. "Glie"
"Oh!" I said really quiet "That's my phone." "That's my phone!" I repeated really loud " Someone wants to text me!" I said. Right after I said that I looked at my phone to check if someone wants to talk with me. But that was just my battery that says there is 10%. I charged my phone's battery to 58%.
I was really disappointed of being alone so I took my things and went outside. There was raining outside. I actually didn't care of the weather. I was going to jump from the bridge down the water but I heard someone's yelling.
"Jack! Jaaaaaaack!!!" I looked behind my shoulder and I saw Abby. Abby is the nicest girl that I like.
"A-a-abby! I screamed like I saw her last time of my life. I think Abby was the only person how cared about me. I came closer to her and she said "Don't!" "Don't what?" I asked while I was looking at her deep blue eyes. "Don't!" She repeated "Don't jump!" "I know it's hard for you to deal with it but it's ok!" 
"But I'm alone." I tolled Abby "No one needs me!"
"If that would help you......" Abby said with her prettiest voice I ever heard "Your nice! I need you because I like you."
We both felt love in our minds and we both felt like we can understand each other without talking. She looked at me and I was feeling to hug or kiss.
I felt that someone is pulling me of her. Our fingertips almost got a way from each other. I looked behind to see who is pulling me. I saw now one there. Then I  looked back at Abby but she wasn't there. I didn't feel any one is pulling me any more. I was looking every where for Abby but I couldn't find her.
                                                                                                  Abby gone. I'm alone again!

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Feb 19, 2016 ⏰

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