"This project is to protect you, meria.Don't you know that?"said mr. Gerald Robotnic."Yes grand father I know, can't I name him?"said the 10 year old girl.She was holding a small black hedgehog with red streaks in his qwills.
"I know a name for him, grandfather! She exclamed."Oh?, and what is it grand-doughter?asked the propheser."It should be shadow,Shadow the hedgehog."she said.
"Then you may call him shadow whale we call him 1.7~ soler, okay?" The little girl looked at the human shaped infent hedgehog with his ears pricked up so he could hear what they wher saying and peasefully said "deal."
The propheser did some research on shadow's behavear,here are the recordings:
choas controle, seams normal
emotions, that of a human boy
comunication, good just doasn't use it much
power spikes, no power spikes to report "yet"
feading,normal food and water 3 times a day
weponre,multipule fire armes & his own choas energy blast
emotions tawords humans,ownly tawords my grand-daughter and me(more for maria thoh)
no ferther reportes.
The hedgehog was ageing to slowly to be a gardian to his care taker so Dr.Robotnic decided to age him to be the same age as meria (14 years old)."Oh maria please wake up shadow and bring him to me thankeyou."Meria woke shadow up and said"Shadow, my grandfather wishes to see us in the labratory and fast"she said as she scupped the small 4 year old hedgehog out of his crib and into her arms.
"Owkay"he said but he fell asleep in her armes
NOTE:angela here, what'll happennext please go to chaprear 2 XD ;-)