Don't Tell Me What to Do!

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  "Ciel, I'm bored!" I said as I rolled on the floor. Ciel sighed saying,"There's nothing I can do about that; I have to finish my paperwork for the Queen. And don't  do that, it's very unladylike." I sat up then in a offended tone said, "What makes you think I should care if I'm lady like?" Ciel sighed saying, "I think you should care if you're lady like, because you are kin to a very important Nobles that work for the Queen." "Well I don't give a rats ass about that! My family are all bloody idiots who only care for their status in life." I told Ciel as I crossed my arms.

"(Y/N)! You shouldn't say that." Ciel said as I go up. "Well it's true. What I can't say what on my bloody mind now?" I asked Ciel in a harsh tone. "Well maybe if you stop swearing like a sailor." Ciel said as he tried to continue he's paperwork, "Why?!" I asked, "Because you are a lady!" Ciel said as he slammed his pen to his desk.

Get caught up in the moment I yelled, "I don't need to be a lady! I can act like a boy when ever I want!"
"Fine then prove it."
"Oh I will!" I said was I stomped out of the room, slamming the door on my way out. Stupid Ciel, I can act like a boy if I wanted to! I can swear when I want to! And I will!

To caught up in my train a thoughts, I didn't realize Sebastian was standing in front of me. "Is everything all right My Lady? You seem a bit a... aggravated." Sebastian asked as he stared at me, "Yes, everything it fine. But can you do me a favor, and take me to Ciel's room?" I asked with a smirk. Sebastian stared at me with a questionable look but said, "Why a course My Lady."

~Skip 2 hours~

~ Ciel's P.O.V.~

I was finishing the last of my paperwork when I heard a knock on the door, "My Lord, Lady (Y/N) wants to talk to you." Sebastian said. I sighed and told him, "Come in." As I looked up I saw (Y/N) wear my shirt and shorts, leaving her legs and ankles reviled. I blushed as (Y/N) asked, "Well don't I look handsome, Ciel?" Before I could say anything Sebastian said with a smirk on his face, "Oh My Lord, the services and I will be heading into town for 8 hours to get supplies for to Mansion. I'm terribly sorry I didn't tell you earlier." Damn demon, he did that on purpose! I didn't realize when Sebastian left the room (Y/N) walked closer to me. "What's wrong Ciel? You seem tense?" (Y/N) asked with a smirk as she circled around my chair. I stared at the ground uncomfortably, when suddenly I feel (Y/N) saddle me. "Wh-what are you going?!" I yelled at her. "Being a boy." (Y/N) said in a seductive voice. I roll my eyes and asked, "How is this being like a boy?"

(Y/N) smirked, "Well boys are perverts, who have sexual desires." She said in calm voice as if nothing was happening. "What are you talking about?" I asked, "Well first, when I came in the room you checked me out and stared at my exposed legs and ankles. Then," (Y/N) started stroking my cock and slowly went close to my ear and whisper in a seductive voice, "you're getting hard just by me slowly and softly stroking you."

I bite the inside of my mouth to hold in my moan. So that's how she want to play it? Fine, I will definitely play along. I smirk than said in a husky voice, "But woman have sexual desires too." (Y/N) tilted her head in confusion and ask, "Really, how so?" "Well if I do this," I attacked her neck until I heard a moan leave her soft delicate lips, "you will do that." I said in a satisfied voice. "Well I guess you got a point, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop." (Y/N) whispered in my ear as she pulled me into a kiss.

~ 3rd Person's P.O.V. ~

As their lips collided, (Y/N)'s arms draped around Ciel's neck. Wanting more Ciel licked that bottom of (Y/N) lips asking for permission to roam, granting permission (Y/N) parted her lips. Ciel's tongue darted in seeking new grounds to discover. Pulling back for air, Ciel attacked her neck once again eager to hear the sounds of desire.

Ciel's lips roamed (Y/N)'s neck till he came upon her soft spot below her left ear. A small moan was audible when his lips made contact with he tender skin, smirking Ciel licked around her weak spot sending a shiver down her spine. "Ciel~" she said as she bit her lip trying to conceal her moans as the boy started sucking and biting that one area. Giving up, she let the sounds of her moans fill the air around them.

Get bored with playing with just her neck, Ciel got up and held (Y/N) securely around her waist. "What are you doing?!" (Y/N) asked in shock as Ciel lifted her off his lap and held her closely to him. "What do you think? I'm getting bored of this, we're going to the bedroom." Blushing (Y/N) just nodded as Ciel carried her to his room.

~ Ciel's P.O.V. ~

When we entered the room, I closed the door and sat on the bed. As (Y/N) walked towards me I stopped her. "Strip." Was the only word that came out of my mouth. (Y/N)'s face turned tomato red when she realized what I said.

"W-what?! Y-you're joking, right?" She stuttered out as she took a step back. I sighed and got off the bed, "No I'm not joking, strip." She looked down and started playing with the hem of the shirt. "But Ciel... It's embarrassing." (Y/N) said with blush still on her cheek. Smirking I came up with and idea. "Well if it's to embarrassing for you to undress yourself, I will simply have to do it for you."

Once she heard what I said, (Y/N) eyes widened and she started stuttering, "No! T-that won't be necessary! I-I will undress myself." I smiled and said in a devilish tone, "Are you sure? Because I will be more than happy to help you."

Shocked (Y/N) back into the wall. Perfect, I thought as I smirked than trapped her in the corner of the wall.

~ (Y/N) P.O.V. ~

Blushing I looked down. What the hell! Since when did Ciel get so cocky?!? Wait scratch that, he's always been cocky and confident . Maybe that's why I find him so attractive and hot.

I looked up when I felt the first kiss on my jaw. Through the trail of kisses Ciel down my neck, he sunk is teeth in my skin that the beginning of my collarbone. "Ahh~Ciel." I felt his smirk against my skin that send shivers down my spine. Without realizing it, Ciel had finished unbuttoning my shirt. "Ciel!" I
moaned as he unbutton my shorts and slipped them to the floor.

~3th Person P.O.V.~

Ciel quickly took off his shirts and shorts as (Y/N)'s hands roamed his chest. Getting inpatient, Ciel grabbed (Y/N)'s waist and pulled her to the bed. His hands trailed down to her underwear before he stopped. "(Y/N), are you ready?" Ciel asked as he slowly rubbed circles on top of her clit. (Y/N)'s let out a moan, "Ah~ Ciel just please..." Smirking he slipped off her underwear and inserted two of his fingers inside of her, making breath faster. Rubbing her insides he leaned down to her ear and whispered, "Please what?"

(Y/N)'s insides burn by his touch. She wanted him, she needed him. "Ciel please, just FUCK ME!". He smirked as he pulled his fingers out of her. "Good girl."

  Ciel trudged his boxer off, showing him in all his glory. It didn't take longer an second to slam himself into (Y/N). "Ah! Ciel!" She scream from the pain and pleasure."Oh (Y/N) you don't know how long it been waiting for this. To see you so weak from my touch, to feel how wet and tight you get, and to hear you scream my name as a fuck you." Ciel said as he continued to slam into (Y/N) thrusting faster as she moans louder. It doesn't take long for (Y/N) to hit her climax.

  Ciel pulls out before he can release into (Y/N).  He slowly goes and lays next to (Y/N) pulling the covers over them. "Ciel," (Y/N) said look at a him, "I think I should start acting like a boy more often." A small chuckle escape Ciel's lips before saying, "I definitely agree."

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