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Karl Muller looked down from the window of his family's apartment,high on the fifth floor,to a scence unlike anything he had witnessed in all his thirteen years.

"Victory to the German Reich!...Sieg Heil!...Jews out!"

The raucous shouts floated up to the curtained window behind which,hidden from the view,the Muller family crouched.

Below in the Vienna streets,green army lorries thundered past,packed with steel-helmeted soldiers who sat stiff and motionless,clasping machine-guns. Uniformed motorcyclists zoomed by in formation,churning the sprinkling of late snow to a dirty slush. Huge blood-red flags with black swastikas,the Nazi symbol,swayed and rippled.

The cries redoubled. "One Reich,one people,one leader...


In a sudden hush,broken by the peal of church bells,an open-topped car drove slowly down the centre of the road. In it, erect,right arm outstretched in the Nazi salute,stood the Nazi leader of Germany,Adolf Hitler.

Karl,with his parents and his little sister Rosa,watched

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2013 ⏰

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