Loosen Up

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It's my first fanfic, don't judge me:)


"You're coming, and that's final!" Mia declares, I roll my eyes. "Fine."

She flicks through her closet, holding out a tight black dress and heels.

"God! Do you want me to look like a slut?" I say, crossing my arms.

Loosen smiles, "No Lottie, I want you to loosen up."

Gahh. Does 'loosen up' mean wear tight clothes? No, it doesn't. I angrily snatch the clothes walking to the bathroom.

I slide off my jeans and 'Ramones' tee shirt, putting on the dress and heels. I open the door, walking out.

"Hey there sexy!" She laughs, I can't hold back a smile. "Shut up." "Lets go, its already half past 10."


The smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke is deadly- and we weren't even inside. "Mia. Don't get drunk, your my ride." She just smiles. Greeaatt.

I'm 18, and I can't drive. I want to, it's just I haven't had time I guess.

As we walk in Mia smiles, "Dance babe!" I growl. "I'm going to get some punch." She nods, dancing.

She was always dragging me to these stupid parties.

I walk through the crowds, until I finally reach the kitchen. Vodka, vodka, beer, tequila, beer. Eww. I finally see punch and grab to cans.

"CHARLOTTE." Mia yells, almost crashing into me. "What?!" I stutter. "Harry and Zayn just invited us down." I roll my eyes. "Okay, okay."

She lugs me down the stairs, and into a small area. 5 boys, with a few others. And numerous girls.

Mia plops next to one immediately. He has curly hair, and is lighting a cigarette. So I can't see his face.

The one with a black quiff and tattoos sits me down, "Guys this is Mia and.." He looks to me, I look around the room. "Charlotte." I say, while crossing my arms.

He introduces them all. Niall, Louis, Liam, himself- Zayn, and Harry. Harry looked like an utter dick. His cocky smirk drove me insane.

Harry looks around the room, "Who wants to head to the bedroom?" He smirks in my direction.

I roll my eyes. "Me.." A voice says, Mia. "No Mia." I reply. "Don't worry babe, why would I screw her? She's bloody ugly.. Look at her."

I stand up, "Don't say that." I spit.

He pushes the girls aside, standing up. He's a good 6 foot, but I don't back down.

"What are you going to do about it?" He hisses, "This." I clear my throat, spitting in his face.

The people snicker behind him, "Shut the hell up!" He growls at them while rubbing of my spit with his hands.

I cross my arms, "What are you going to so about that Harold?" I stood tall, though I was quite intimidated.

"Do you really want to know?" He spits, with a smirk.


Please vote, babes! Sorry it was boring. It'll be more just Charlotte and Harry next time.:) .xx

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