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"It's too early! I'm not going!" I covered my head with my pillow.
"Get up now Miss Lucy Gertrude Parker otherwise your grounded! Again! You have to make a good impression today! Your uniform is hanging on your door!" My mother called from the kitchen.
"Uniforms are ugly! Why did you pick this school?" I called back annoyed and still tired from last night. I remarked once again my distaste for my middle name Gertrude...
"If you don't like this school then you shouldn't have been expelled from your last one!"
Taking that as the end of discussion I crawled to the edge of my bed, and flopped out onto the floor. My head started to throb and I felt last nights pizza rise in my throat. I swallowed not wanting to be sick on my new dress that I was still wearing from the previous day. Sighing, I stood and the room spun. Why was this so hard? I made my way to the bathroom with my arms out in front of me, having to feel my way around the house. I was such a mess! My makeup had run and my hair was all frizzy. I took off my clothes and jumped into the shower only to find that we had run out of hot water.
"Shit! This is freezing! Mum why is the water so cold?" I yelled frustrated and uncomfortable. She ignored me so I just quickly rinsed my hair and washed my face. Well on the bright side the cold water woke me up a bit.  I grabbed my leopard print, fluffy towel and shoved my feet into the slippers that were waiting for me next to the door.
When I had dried and dressed myself in the uniform I turned to my mirror and screamed. How ugly! The skirt was cut below my knees and the blouse was long sleeved. They were both coloured an awful brown and green and they were made of an unidentifiable, itchy material. No one alive could ever want to wear this! I took my scissors out of the draw and cut the skirt so that it ended above my knees. That would have to do because I was already late. I cleaned my teeth in a rush and grabbed a pair of black high heels and pulled on a pair of tights that were bound to make an impression. After fetching my handbag I was racing out the door and on my motorbike in a flash. I did my hair in a rough high pony tail, applied mascara that I had found lying in my handbag and put in my earrings from last nights party, also from inside my handbag.
Just as I was putting on my helmet, the door flew open and my mum, in her pink slippers and nightgown, ran at me yelling,
"Come back here and put your proper uniform on, you ungrateful child!"
I quickly started the ignition and speed onto the street, narrowly missing the car parked next to our driveway.
My mother stood on the curb and yelled monstrosities at me that were lost in the  humming of the motorbike's engine. Smiling to myself, I knew this was going to be a good day.

* * *

"Morning darling! You ready for your first day back at sch-"
"Morning Mum. Can't talk sorry I have an early study session at school in ten minutes! This year I really need to do well to-"
"I know, to move half way across the world to go to the Yale collage. We would be proud of you even if you went to a local collage, or even one in the country." My mother once again comforted.
"I know Mum and for that I'm grateful it's just I need to at least prove to myself that I can do this." I answered.
"I understand my little Hayden, have a great day!" With a kiss on my cheek and a final glance in the mirror I left my room, tucking my shirt into my trousers and fastening my belt. My appearance was not remarkable. I had plain brown hair, average height and build for a guy my age. It should have been easy for me to accept that I was never going to be popular in high school or have a lot of girlfriends...but it was more then disappointing that I had no friends and had never been kissed. If I disappeared tomorrow no one would notice. I looked up to people who lived for high school not their future, they lived in the present and were irresponsible. I guess I really never had a normal childhood, I was always planning ahead and focussed on grades not friends because school and my future was all that seemed to be going for me. That was my one true regret, that no one had ever heard of Hayden Peterson...

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