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I am a boy. I am a Transgender boy. That is soo liberating to say. I can't say it at home. I have to be careful who I say it around at school, and even then I'm afraid my parents will find out about me. I'm not the daughter they want. I'm the son they hate.

But that's not what I want to focus on. I want to focus on the positive things. I'm going to try to write every Saturday. But its Monday because I did nothing but write essays for AP Lang this weekend... But ya know... 

So here's what I'm going to write about in this journal:

being trans in general

my dysphoria and focusing on getting over it while I wait for surgery.

trans tips for myself along with other ftms. (if you have advice comment or message me! I'll credit you here too!)

The positive and negative things that happened that week that has anything to do with being trans.

random ass shit feelings and emotions that I experience... lol

Basically, I'm going to rant about ftm trans stuff and use this to keep positive trans tips and info. and some random stuff that happened to me. This is basically my journal guys. There will be personal stuff here too, because part of being trans is changing genitals. I will be talking about Dicks and boobs and vaginas. There's no denying that.

SO here's my first entry. 'll probably write a crapton more at the end of the week or as I feel the need/want to write to relieve stress. idk. This is really just to help me be organized with my thoughts and feelings and have a safe place to write about being trans...

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