1. Monsters

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Angie's POV

I was coming back from camping with my partner Isle. We were at least a hour away from home and I was terribly homesick. Isle was in the passenger seat, rubbing my leg. 

"You okay, baby?" Isle whispered. 

"Yeah, hun. Just homesick, you know me." I said, smiling.

Isle sighed and kept her eyes on the road.  I took a deep breath and kept looking out the window.  Several minutes later, I could see the start of the town... Only it didn't look the same. Instead of the colorful welcome sign, it was , like the rest of the town, in flames. I jumped out of the car and ran towards the town I called home. As soon as I reached the town, I froze in my steps. I was facing the back of a monster that you only saw in a zombie movie.

"Hello? Are you..." I started before the thing turned around, answering my question. 

As it turned around, all of the bones cracked and I was faced with my bestfriend. Her beautiful green eyes were now a deep black and bloodshot. Her once brown thick hair looked like she had ripped most of it out. Her olive skin had scabs all over and was turning yellow, just like her mouth that had blood dripping from it. Her full lips had been bitten off, exposing her teeth clicking together. I stared at Natalia as she watched me hungrily. My eyes flicked to her feet and I saw my mother, her stomach shredded and her mouth hung in a horrifying way. I screamed and started back to Isle.  As soon as Isle saw me, she starting walking towards me.

"No! Go back!" I screamed but I was too late.

Isle was tackled by a thing, causing me to sprint towards her.  But by the time I got to her, she had gotten the thing off her.  As I reached her, the thing laid lifeless and Isle was dripping blood. My eyes widened as Isle stood up and I saw the massive bite on her neck. 

"Angie. You need to listen to me." Isle said as she started walking towards me and I backed away, "You need to get in the car and go to the city.  Find someone named Stevie, she'll help you."

"Isle, I can't leave you." I whispered as I starting walking towards her before she kissed me harshly.

"You need to go, Angie. You can't help me." She said as she kissed me again before she shoved me away and black liquid spilt out of her mouth.

"Isle... I love you." I said as I backed up to the car.

"I love you too, baby." She whispered before she let out a horrifying shriek.

I jumped and watched Isle change as tears ran down my cheeks. Suddenly, Isle stopped shrieking and slowly lifted her head slowly, bones cracking as she did so. My hand flew to my mouth as she stared at me with hungry, red eyes. 

"Lord, help me." I whispered just as my back pressed up against the car. 

A wave of relief rushed over me as I quickly got in. Isle was still staring at me as I drove away. 

"I will always love you, Isle."

I looked at the rearview and saw Isle watching me drive away.

'I hope Isle was right, otherwise I'll be just like her'


Hey! So how was it? I know it was only short but there will be more. Comment and vote please. Picture of Angie and Isle at the top.

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