Dreaming of You

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*came up with this earlier today and I really like the idea of dark Niall :) tell me if I should continue or... ya know... not. thanks babycakes!*




As I walked into the classroom I found that I was the first, and possibly only, person there. Why did I have to flunk this class? Now I'm stuck in summer school and god dammit I want out! I can't wait to leave this hell hole they call 'high school'. I decide to sit in the desk closest to the door. You know, in case there's a fire. My head hits the table with a thump and my arms lay limp at my sides. Thank the lord I only have to be here for a couple of days!




"This fucking sucks!" I exclaim into the phone I'm currently holding.

"Don't worry about it babe! You're only there for three days. Just calm your tits." Rene, my best friend, said laughing joyfully.

"You're not the one who has to come here during the summer at 6 in the fucking morning! I can't believe I have to stay in one class for three days! Does high school have no end to its torture?"

"Hey drama queen? Remember that you're the one who put yourself there. Failing chemistry and all. Call me later, kay? I gotta... sleep!" Rene says quickly before hanging up.

I sigh heavily as I walk up the main stairs into the huge building. After what may have been two minutes, I finally found the room I was going to be tortured in. In the classroom no one except for a blonde headed boy could be seen, not even the teacher. Huh.. I must be early. The guys head was placed on the desk so I decided I wasnt going to bother him. I sat in a desk three away from his. Front row. I need glasses okay? A man with scruffy brown hair and playful blue eyes walked in. His features screamed perfection. The way his eyes crinkled as he smiled a beautiful smile. Was this my teacher? I wouldn't mind screaming his nam- I mean... he seems like a lovely man. He sat quietly at his desk until a bell rang, signaling him to begin his introduction.

"Well this was quite a turn out, eh?" he laughs nervously. I laugh at his attempt at a joke. 

"Oh, Excuse me.. Can you pick your head up, Mr..." he picks up a piece of paper and scans through it. "Mr. Horan?"  

"Yeah sure, why not." he says in a husky, yet cute, Irish accent. I smile internally as he picks up his head. This boy really had some good looks. His blonde hair was messily done in a sort if quiff and his eyes were a bright blue. Before I could embarrass myself by staring too long I quickly face the instructor once again.

"Thank you. My name is Mr. Tomlinson, you may call me any of the following: 

Mr. T 

The Tommo Tomlinson or 


I don't really care, to be honest. I'm stuck here just as you are so let's make it as fast and easy as possible." He said cheerfully. He soon picked up the paper again and read the names.

"Niall Horan? Of course you're here. 

Adriana... L-u-bin-ass-key? Sorry how do you pronounce it?" Mr. T asked shyly.  

"Loo-bin-ow-ski. Yea just call me Adriana. No need for last names." I breathe out in frustration. Why do I always go through this bullshit? I turn my head to the side slightly, just enough to catch a peek Niall. Hey he's cute, alright? Instead of finding him watching the teacher as he rambles on, I find him staring at me. My cheeks turn crimson and I look away, not used to someone looking at me so intensely. I don't know whether to be turned on or afraid.. why not both. Eventually I zone out and the rest of class becomes one big blur.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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