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I wake up suddenly from a loud crash. I

open my eyes wide.

"What in the hell was that?" I whisper

to myself.

I live alone I think to myself. I sit up

fast. My feet fall to the floor and I get

up suddenly. I take three steps before I

stop again. A rush of cold wind blows

past me and I immediately get

goosebumps everywhere from head to

toe. I look around. No windows open or

fans going... It shouldn't even be

slightly cold out. It's the middle of June

in North Dakota. I walk out my

bedroom door and into the hallway. I

look down it. There's nothing there. I

walk down the hallway and open the

door to the bathroom. I flick the light

on. Nothing here. I make my way out

the hallway and into the opening of my

kitchen and front door. Nobody or

nothing there. I turn always into my

living room. Nada. TV is not on or

anything either. I sigh. Maybe that was

just the neighbors or something

coming from outside somewhere. I go

to the kitchen and open the fridge. I

pull out some ham, mayonnaise, and

cheese. I grab the bread and make a

sandwich. I put everything away. I

make my way to the living room and sit

down on the couch. I turn the TV on

and Keeping up with the Kardashians.

I keep it on. Within 10 minutes I

finish eating my sandwich. I turn the

TV off and go back to my room to get

dressed. I go to my closet and go

through my clothes. I change into a

pink Nike shirt and black leggings. I

go to my bathroom and look into

the mirror. Shit. I'm getting a pimple.

I grab my foundation and smear it all

over my face. I rub and blend it in.

I grab my mascara and put some on.

Lastly, I grab my eye-liner and put it

on, making a wing at the end of it.


My phone goes off. It was a text from

my best friend, Jen.

Hey wanna hang out? The text

message read.

I hit reply and text back Yes, I'm just

about to head out. Want me to

pick you up in 20?

About 30 seconds later I get a text back

saying Yes! Sure! 😊 I'll be ready

then! See you soon.

I reply See you soon.

I go to my front door and slide on my

black Nike tennis shoes. I grab my

purse and check I have everything I


I look for my keys but can't find them.

I look around my house and see them

over on the kitchen counter. I go to the

counter and grab them. I make my way

out the door and towards my car. I get

into my car and turn the radio on. I

take my phone out and text Jen,

Leaving now should be there in

about 15 minutes. See you soon.

I out my phone down and make my

way to go get Jen.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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