Just in Love -Larry Stylinson-

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"Hey haz!" Louis shouted to me.

"H- hi!" I stuttered. He was my crush. I hopes he likes me but he already has a girlfriend. He walked over to me scrunching up my curls. I sat down on the leather sofa, thinking about Louis. I think to myself: Harry stop being silly, he has a girlfriend, like he's ever going to like me.

"Haz, you ok?" Lou said, seriously.

"Y-yeah" I looked into his blue, sapphire eyes. He looked at me and laughed.

"What are you staring at?" He chuckled. He walked over to me and kissed my cheek. He sat next to me, putting his legs on my lap, and kissed my nose, making me go a deep red," Did you like it, if you did, are you like bi or something?" I stared at him, like how did you know,he chuckled," I was joking, of course your not, your the lady's man! That would've been disgusting if you liked me."

"I'm going to my bedroom," I say while pushing Louis' legs off of my lap and run into my room.

I think to myself: haz stop being a girl, and look your eyes are watering, don't cry your not a little girl! You've gotta man up, and deal with life.

"Harry, why are you crying? Did I do something?" Lou runs over to me.

"My sister just has cancer." I say lying.

"Awww! Poor thing! I wish that I could give her a hug," Louis says, seriously," hey, wanna drive over tomorrow?"

"U- uh.."

"I take that as a yes, but we have to tell the lads first!" He walks over to the door and walks out, texting.

I think to myself: oh, Harry, what have you done? You better fix this.

Just in Love -Larry Stylinson-Where stories live. Discover now