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I'm still remembering mistic light that comes from the castle wich I was watching from the lakeshore. I'm thinking about the castle and I'm trying to imagine that weird blue roofs in my mind. It seems to me that they are old as much as legends about them. That is a house where good and evil, darkness and light are chasing on the tops of the blue roofs. There  I left my memories and wounds, fears and nights without peace and dreaming, to sleep forever in a house where i couldn't.

Even now when I'm old and miserable I regret nothing. At least I have memories in these endless days, when I'm waiting for my death. And every day is made up of suffering and memories of the days spent in our Academy. I'm wondering are there some of the new kids sitting on the benches on second floor. Is there someone else there to discover the secret of the tollest tower they claim it keeps pure evil.

I wish to see the lake one more time. I miss it in my last days. I'd like to sit on the lakeshore and feel the wind which brings smell of flowers in worm afternoon, just one more time. Oh, I miss that so much. Days when I watched the castle from the lakeshore are gone. That caste, always new and unexplored for me, like a story without the begining and without the end, just the eternety.Just like that I don't remembr where my life began, childhood is the thing I'm trying to forget, and now I think I won't remember even my own death how tired I am.

Even today at summertime I went out to watch the sky. I see only white clouds, but I know there is something more . I'm trying to see some part of that, thing which only I, know exist. But is hopeless. I won't' see anything but cloud, I know that but I'm still trying. I knew that day when I said "Farewell", that I won't see that beauty ever again. Now I'm  regreting every day, because I've left the only thing I loved in my entire life.

Now I'm only sed old man who is suffering for his past life and youth. I'm sitting in my little room and I'm reading old diares of my friends. There are candles and dust around me. I'm waking up my memories which were forgotten long  time ago and I'm torturing myself. I cry very often, I guess I become sentimental trought all these years. Exept memories, those diares are everything I have. I'm living again that period of my life thanks to them. "Why did I leave?". That question every day goes trought my head, while I'm leafimg yellowed pages.

If I stayed there I will meybe be a general who every day goes to the lake to meet her. And she would perhaps revived again, but now she only lives in my memory.

Before I die I wish renew the memory of the days spent at the Academy. Five most beautiful years of my life. Feelings are too strong to keep them in myself. I want to, once again, trought story at least, pass wonderland and feel like a boy. Once again I want to remember my friends, love, conflicts and the task that we had to do. 

Altought, it has been sixti years since our first day at the Academy I still remember all the details. Words of the prophecy are etched deeply into my memory. Wounds never healed or have ceased to ache. Are there to remind me of the happiest days of my youth filled with a curse. 

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