The Missing Link (One-Shot)

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  • Dedicated to All the people who entered this competition and of course the host herself

"Ok everyone! I wan't you to hand in your signed consent forms."

Professor McGonagall was bustling around the crowded courtyard, her tall pointed hat perched on her head at a precarious angle as it fought against the bitter winter wind. A light snow was drifting amongst the excited students as they enthused about their first proper trip to Hogsmeade.

"You put me down RIGHT NOW!!! I'm warning you!" Ellie screamed, her body was stretched between the two Weasley twins, bright orange wisps poking out from beneath their identical woollen hats and childish grins plastered on their freckled faces. One was holding her arms, the other her legs. No matter how much she wriggled and squirmed they wouldn't let go. Her reaction was the exact one they loved.

"Mr and Mr Weasley will you please stop manhandling Miss Carlson!" McGonagalls voice was firm but there was a slight smile tugging at the corner of her mouth as she watched George and Fred suddenly release Ellie onto the ice frosted cobbles.

The twins both raised an eyebrow in unison as they saw the dirty look Ellie was throwing at them.

"What?" George Smirked

"You asked us to put you down!" Fred finished and soon found himself, along with his brother, pelted with snow.

"Not like that!" Ellie tried to keep up her angry facade but her attempts of staying mad at the adorable grinning boys was weak. Soon a broad grin had spread across her face and she began to rapidly attack Fred and George with increasingly large balls of snow.

"So that's how you want to play it then?" George quizzed before beaming evilly. "You know what to do Fred."

His brother replied with a curt nod before launching a full scale war against Ellie who was cowering against a wall, bent double with laughter.

"Stop!" She cried breathlessly. "Stop it!" Her giggles were soon interrupted however by a sickly sweet sound they all loathed.

"Heh hem."

Fred moved his gaze from Ellie to look at a figure dressed head to toe in pink frills. The look in his eyes quickly turned from one of amusement to one of contempt.

"Yes?" He spat

"I do hope that your not thinking of talking out of turn George?" Umbridge Cooed.

"I'm Fred. FRED. He's George." He sneered before adding quietly "Idiot."

"Excuse me? I didn't quite hear the last bit."

"Nothing!" He said in a sing-song tone, an obvious attempt of copying Umbridge's detestable voice.

"Good." Was all she said before turning on her heel and trotting to the other end of the courtyard, most likely to interrogate some other poor students.

"Wow!" Breathed George. "Who knew someone could be so UGLY?" His crude comment was met with a smack on the arm from Ellie.

"George!" She gasped in mock horror, but she couldn't stop the bubble of laughter that escaped her lips. Soon enough all of them were crying with laughter, clutching onto each other for support.

"If you three have stopped joking, the rest of us would like to set off before dark." Professor McGonagall exclaimed, earning a few titters from the apprehensive students crowding around the exit of the courtyard.

"Yes miss." They meekly answered. There eyes met and they started uncontrollably laughing under their breath, tears rolling down their cheeks.

"Yes miss!" Someone unsuccessfully tried to imitate their voices. "You're pathetic! Really Ellie, why would you hang around with filthy Blood-traitors like them? I mean seriously, they're Weasleys." Draco spat the word with such distaste it was surprising that he didn't earn a punch in the mouth.

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