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I'd like to tell you all a story, a story to show you the power of some people's friendships. This story being based on a friendship of mine. I want to show you how great this boy is because he is. He saved my life and I want to share that story with you. I guess before I start, I should fill you in on why he had to save my life.

 I'll start with this, my name is Freya Collins, when I was fifteen, I was ‘perfect’; I was smart, well behaved, I had great friends, a good attitude and I was rarely im trouble. My mum used to say that my twin brother and I were every parents dream come true and we were, we were everything a parent would ever want and need. Our dad had left us when we were nine, he was in jail but neither of us knew why because our mum wouldn’t tell us. Although we had no real father, our next-door neighbour – who was also a single parent acted like out parent.

 His wife and my mum had been best friends since they were kids and they both had planned to live next door to each other so they could continue to be friends. When they were twenty-five, coincidently, both fell pregnant expecting to have boys - Sean and Jack but my mum unexpectedly gave birth to be as well. The three of us were born on the same day and everyone referred to us as triplets because we were all inseparable, especially Sean and I. It was when we were three that Sean’s mum left. No one actually knew what happened to her, she went on a trip toAmericato visit her sister but she never made it there. She got on the plane but never made it to her sisters. Some say she died but others say she just had enough and ran away. When my dad went to jail, my mum and Chris (Sean’s dad) kind of stuck together, raised us to together would be a better way to put it I guess.

 The three of us grew up together like that – with the added bonus of our two other friends Jodi and Alex – we were a team, we stuck together, we were hardly seen apart. Everything was perfect. That was until just over a year ago.

 It was Jodi’s birthday, the last one of us to turn sixteen and we were all staying round hers for the night to celebrate. Little did we know that that night was going to change everything. It wasn’t anything that we did that made everything pear shaped, it was all to do with my mum and Sean's dad. They had gone for a meal with a few of their friends, it was all completely normal until their car journey back. There had been a surprise snowstorm the night before and the roads were icy as hell. They were so close to home were another car skidded into theirs. The impact killed my mum instantly; Chris was in a coma for a month until he finally slipped away.

 That was when it all fucked up (excuse my French). Jack, Sean and I lived in a flat together and honestly, we had no clue what to do. We inherited all our parents’ money but just had no idea what to do with it so we decided to bank it until we did.  I think I took the deaths the worst, I couldn’t cope with it. I started cutting just to take away the pain, it wasn’t heavy cutting but it was enough to calm me down at times. Unfortunately, instead of recovering, I went down the route of deep depression. My cuts got deeper and I found the hidden power of drugs, alcohol and sex. My grades dropped, my appearance changed along with my attitude and I jut stopped caring about everything. I was a mess. 

That more or less brings us to the start of the real story. Picture a short girl at the back of the classroom; she has long, dark hair that . Her ‘fringe’ sweeps over her whole forehead, covering parts of her eyes. She is tired, hungry and slightly hangover. She feels anxious, like everyone is staring at her so she just puts her headphones in and makes her hair fall in front of her face in her attempt to hide from them and their comments. The girl is mess, she needs fixing. She needs to be sorted out.

That girl is me, I had changed to the perfect child to the devil in desguise. My name is Freya Collins and this is my story. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2011 ⏰

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