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"And it feels like I am just too close to love you,
There's nothing I can really say.
I can't lie no more, I can't hide no more.."

The song was blasting out at a full volume from her new beats speakers. She needed anything to listen to as she was packing her stuff since her bus was only in 3 hours! She was utterly thrilled for the fact the she would be able to stay at her Granny's place since she hasn't here from eons!
Ops, I almost forgot to tell you who she is!

Silly me I get too caught up in the events! Maèva was heading to Croatia to spend the whole summer there! As she usually did every single year.
Apart from her exaggerated excitement, something at back of her mind really bugged her. She knew that somehow it was related to the song she was listening to on the radio.

She shook those dramatic thoughts away and finally zipped her suitcase and dragged it down the stairs and dropped next to the door.

She was reading some book as she was waiting for the cab to arrive.

Two minutes later she was able to see the cab through her window. She made sure she hasn't left anything behind, then the driver came to help her with the suitcases. The old man had a fringe of grey-white hair around his balding, mottled scalp. He had a wizened face and a back slightly hunched that it surprised her that he could actually carry all these luggages all lone by himself.

A while later, she arrived at Budapest station, FTC
She made her way to the carts to place her luggages on them since they were extremely heavy.
She took her ticket out from her jeans pocket and checked for the bus's number.

Bus 23.. Okay okay where the hell are you..

Ahaa here we go!

She thought to herself as she handled the luggages to the Bus's driver and made her way up to the bus as she took her seat.

She got our her book and plugged in her earphones as the bus started to move a minute later.

Holy moly! I hate long drives. 5 hours was way too much!

However, she has been to longer ones before so she'd survive. She thought.

She started to think of all the adventure she could make there! And the fact that all her friends were already there!
She drifted in here own thoughts that she didn't notice that the guy sitting next her was staring at her.

What the he.. ? Creepy as hell!

"Hey, My name is Aron" the guy finally spoke!

"Hey, .." Maèva smiled politely, what else she could do! The guy was good looking.

"I was trying to remember where I have seen you before! You looked familier," Aron explained,

"Oh.." It's all Maèva could say

",We met one year ago at the airport in Uzbekistan, at the World'sChampion Ship! I was the one sitting with Stefani from the US Team?? "

"Sorry, I have a memory of a fish, " she was a bit embarrassed for not remembering.

"Oh never mind! It's nice to meet you anyways! " he smiled politely.

"Nice to meet you too, Aron..
But what are you exactly doing here in Budapest? "

"I was actually here because of the Europe tour, I had with my friends!" He grinned at her

"Wow thats really cool!
Was it fun? "

" yeah it was beyond perfect actually!" He answered her enthusiastically

"Good for you! And what will you do in Croatia? " she asked him feeling a bit shy for the fact that she has been bombarding him with questions as a FBI investigator or something..

"Well, I have registered for the fencing camp this summer there! "

"Me too! I'm really excited for it! " she was surprised that she hasn't seen him before since she basically knows many of his teammates.

They kept chatting about random stuff, till they both somehow fell asleep.


Maèvaa.. ,"

She felt someone shook her but still she hadn't opened her eyes.

"What!" She groaned

"We arrived! Wake up! "

She opened her eyes slowly and registered the place around here. The first thing she noticed a handsome guy with a cerulean blue eyes, the most intense she has ever seen! And a sharp look, a perfectly drawn cheek bones like John depp's ( FYI she worshipped the ground that John depp walked on! ) it was perfectly symmetrical. He had muscles, plenty of them. It gave him that perfect manly shape. She could see through the material of his T-shirt the Abs beneath.

"Maèva?!!" Aron waved in front of her faith to make sure she hasn't died or something.

She smiled sheepishly and her cheeks flushed a little bit, wondering if he noticed that she has been admiring him for what felt like forever.

"Okay.." He smiled back

"Do you have someone to pick you up?" She asked him

"I was actually taking a bus to the training centre, it's nearby ,don't worry " he grinned

"It's fine I can drive you, you are on my way anyways! Plus there's no way you could carry around all those heavy bags around with you! " she insisted.

"Well that's really kind of you! " he smiled shyly

"Thank my friend for that" she winked at him

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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