Christmas Eve

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Thirteen girls were reported missing on the same day September 21, 1987 and were found in the deserts of Nevada near Las Vegas past out on the side of the road on december 21, 1988. Just a year later from them their disappearance. None of them remember a single thing about what happen to them or who took them, all they remembered was knowing each other and being locked in a small stone room. "They fed us." Ms.Lanzo said. "They gave us blankets and let us look out the window sometimes, but we don't remember what it was like outside." We also asked Ms.Alpine what she remember, she had some more memory than most. "What everyone else remembers, but one thing I know was it was only one man who took care of us. He talked to me sometimes, he was very nice, but I don't know what he looked like." The woman are safely home now and we realize one thing they all had in common when we talked to each of them. they had husbands and planning to have children. Was the kidnapper planning something and it failed? or did the crazy scheme worked and we haven't seen it yet? We now ask Mrs. Williams about her experience that no one else had. "I was in pain, misery, Shocks of electricity just went through my body if I did something wrong. I don't remember why though, I just don't know." She was incredibly bruised from what ever happen to her, The other were completely untouched. Welcome home ladies, We will find out who did this to you.


P.O.V Jason McValard

I woke up, feeling snowfall like crazy on my face, I guess the box I was sleeping in wasn't all to helpful through the night, I was cold and wet. ugh. I'm starving too, I haven't eaten in days. I guess I should hunt for some food, I slowly open my eyes seeing the walking feet of New yorkers.The snow crunch under their feet as they past by Ahhh, christmas eve. The time of happiness and the holidays, to give and to receive. Pathetic. I don't get how special it is to be with family. You never know what they do with you if you were a freak like me. heck, they even kick their kids out if they found out they were gay. Horns honk of angry drivers causing me to sit up. Not how I would want to wake up in the morning, but this is the farthest from my old home. Let me explain.

I am consider a freak, I am part Owl, meaning I can transform into an owl and have the personality of one. there are twelve others like me, but they are spread across the world, we were experiments gone wrong I guess, but some families probably accept their kid for being different, with weird animal ears and tails. I have been searching for someone like me.... all my life, so I didn't feel alone. Now I gave you the partial backstory of my crucial life, I am going to see if I can get water. I stood up walking towards the crowded street seeing I was getting dirty looks from people, well it's not always people gave you kind looks. Especially in New York. All these kids with Iphone 6s all distracted by their peers and loved one. I promise to never get a phone seeing they destroy the human mind. I took off my ripped up baseball cap and set it down beside me and started asking for change as people walked by. some gave me change, some just kicked my hat, causing me to pick it up over and over again.

"can you please help me? All I want is water." I asked a man who looked like he had all the money in the world, he looked at me in disgust and walked away faster. Sigh. Right now I only have a dollar and five cents and water is expensive plus taxes so that makes it much worse. Being homeless isn't fun. and if my parents loved me for who I am I could be having a tasty chicken with all the water in the world. I sat down on the cold ground giving up hope, I'll give it one more try. I see this little girl walking with her mom, she was all happy and laughing, holding her hand. Her brown hair bounced as she jumped into the small puddles. Her trench coat was oversized, but she didn't seem to care.

My eyes water, turning them into glass. Trying not to cry. Maybe these people will help me. "Ma'am, do you have any change left? I only want water." I said. The little girl and the mother stop in their tracks and looked at me. people walked around them as they stared at me. The little one smiled as she put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a five dollar bill. I gasp taking it. I know I was being selfish, but I am so desperate to the point where I could eat the snow that people have walked on

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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