Eternal Pen-pal

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Just wanted to say that I have a serious side as well! Don't worry I won't be uploading many of these stories. 

Eternal Pen-pal

Your eyes glistened in the sun like an opal, your soft flowing hair swept across your face in the gentle summer breeze. Your lips were as soft as the colours of the earth. Your smile could bring happiness to my life in my darkest hours.

Well... That's what I imagined you as anyway.

It seemed like we had known each other for an eternity.

Thing is... We have never seen each other before.  We were separated by a long and lonely path.  

We were pen pals.

It had been so long now but I still remember the first letter that I had received from you. You seemed like my soul mate, even from the first word. There was something about the way you wrote. Your handwriting, the way you left curls at the end of letters and the scent of the paper that you had used.

We sent each other mail on a weekly basis. We shared our lives with each other even though we were separated by the vast ocean. We had a beautiful relationship building up. Our friendship grew stronger with every word. Written out in cursive; our lives would intertwine as we conversed.

We never ran out of things to say.

We talked about everything: Music, nature, life, travel and art.

You had a fascination with the natural world and its splendor.

You told me that the mountain shaped clouds that formed in the sky were actually real mountains for up above. The stars were actually doors to other worlds and that the moon was actually a mirror reflecting the simpleness of our lives.

You told me that you would wait for hours for the mail to arrive on Mondays. I must confess. I am guilty of doing this as well.  They were letters telling you about my life. Uninteresting stories that I had hoped to entertain you. You seemed to enjoy reading them, I'm not quite sure why.

I would tell you the smallest of things. Every fragment of my life written on paper. Sent across the seas to a foreign world.

I enlightened you about my love for music.

I told you how music weaves between the souls of the living, it swims in a stream above the sky. It reaches distant galaxies and drifts into endless space.

The musical notes then evolve into stars; waiting an eternity to be heard. The moon was actually a blank canvas. Eagerly awaiting a soul to paint it bright and vibrant colours through the experience of life and love.

A few years pass as our friendship strengthened.

Everything seemed perfect.

But I guess everything changed when I stopped receiving letters from you.

One day they had just suddenly stopped.

I wrote back many times. Hoping for a response.

But all that was left was an empty mailbox, an empty life.

Many years have passed now.

I miss you dearly.

I still think about you every day and night.

Re-reading the letters that I had kept in a shoebox.

Night comes as the darkness cascades down towards the earth.

I look out into the sky.

The moon shined with a tint of red.

I sit alone by the dimly lit window. The moonlight shimmers downwards upon my night stand illuminating a snow white envelop sealed with red wax; engraved with an angel.

Where did this come from? The familiar scent brought back many memories.

I opened the letter.

It was from... You.

There in front of me a world full of secrets, a world of uniqueness and beauty.

Magic flowed out of your quill as you create a mystical world from beginning to end.

The blackness of your ink created scenes of masterpieces.

You tell me about your new home.


Blinded by the luminosity of the gleaming whites.

Everything seemed misty.

There, towering in front of you stood a giant ivory gate.

Vines wrap around the wondrous gate; burgundy roses sprout all around.

It creaks open as you step forward. Welcoming you to a world of magnificent wonders.

You couldn't remember how you had gotten there.

The hazy floors felt soft to the touch as you proceed forward.

The fragrances of gardenias surround the pearl white environment.

Sounds of harps play in the distance. It's a never ending theme.

Violins entwine to create a vibrant yet relaxing atmosphere.

Doves glide through the air with their elegant motions.

It feels as though the hands of the clocks never move in this place.

At the break of dawn; it casts shadows upon the clouds.

Sunlight breaks through the haze and coats the atmosphere with a lighter shade of amber.

Familiar faces surround you now. Faces long gone from this earth.

People who you have longed to see. Separated by time and the strings of fate.

Further you explored.

Mountains seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see. The moon seemed as big as life itself.

There on the side lay some paint. Colours unimaginable. It was an invitation to paint the moon.

You finger-paint the canvas with a vivacious red.

It was simple yet breathtaking.

You climb the mountain to the peak. You wanted to look upon this new world. Everything seemed so clean and fresh.

There stood a single tree on the mountain top.

You sit beneath it and begin writing down your journey.


The ink stopped flowing and the letter ended with the words "I missed you"

The quill was attached to the letter. It had come from your own wings.

A dove perched by my window sill.

I wrote down everything that had happened to me in the past few years, all the emotions that I had gone through.

I handed it to the dove, hoping that it would make its way to you.

It took the letter and flew out into the night sky.

It flew out into the stars.

Into another world.


Your new home.


Make sure to tell me what you think. Be truthful, I can handle it. I can take 3 punches from Bruce Lee so I can probably take some criticism as well.

Eternal Pen-palWhere stories live. Discover now