Flustered by Eternity

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What was it that brought them together, to be united in this perfect love?

It started on that day, when Ava had found herself facing mortal danger, desperately in need of a savior. Suddenly, Luhan came, who cut down what danger he could and swept her away from the rest. From then on, she cared about him with every fiber of her being, but Luhan switched from warmth to coldness in a flash, struggling with his inner anguish. But she loved him no matter how many times he pushed her away. That was how it was to this very day.

Yes. She often reflected upon that day with fondness. It was a day that had changed her life, after all.

Ava, a sincere girl rapidly approaching womanhood, stood alone on the beach, gazing over the navy water with her unblemished sable spheres. Her cinnamon hair rustled lightly in the ocean breeze. She smiled to herself with anticipation, resting her cheek against one hand as she traced a finger along her silver necklace. She wore a sapphire crisp blouse and charcoal shorts that looked comfortable and easy to wear. Her bronze hair was trimmed short around her head, complementing her spotless light-colored visage. A prominent scar stood out on her lily-white skin. Beautiful wings sprouted from her back. For a moment, she absorbed herself in these thoughts of her, and Luhan.

Her ears pricked at the sound of familiar footsteps. She looked up before Luhan even spoke a word. "Ava," he said simply with no trace of emotion. His mauve orbs complimented his bubble-gum mane, brushing against his ears, belying his aching heart. He was dressed in his usual everyday clothes. He had a toned but slender body covered with pearly, tinted with sorrel, skin. As Ava drew nearer, she caught a note of his familiar scent of lingering iron and steel. She smiled to herself. It always reminded her of the time they shared.

"Oh, Lulu! You came!" Ava said breathlessly, reaching out to take him into an embrace. He took a half-step back, enough to remind her that he still preferred some distance. She humored him and dropped her arms without comment, still smiling. With that, they began to walk along the beach.

"Luhan," she intoned, "the sea is beautiful, isn't it? It's so sapphire and glittering." She glanced toward Luhan, who was unresponsive. "U-um... I'm really glad we can spend time together today. It's so lovely and warm."

"I don't care about the weather," Luhan snapped.

She jumped a bit and then fell silent, barely whispering, "Sorry."

Almost instantly, guilt flashed across Luhan's face, but just as quickly his cold facade returned to hide it. He looked at her, the loveliness of her face, the hint of sadness in her caring windows to her soul, and her beauty pierced Luhan's heart with shame. Who was he, after all, to hurt such a creature? He was to her as a devil to an angel. He summoned the strength to confess, "No." Ava looked up at him with surprise. "Don't be... never mind." I should be the one who's sorry, Luhan thought to himself, but he couldn't work up the courage to say it.

Gently, she brought her hand toward his, whispering, "It's okay. I mess up a lot of things.Don't... don't worry for me." For a few moments they passed through another chilly silence. "Ava," Luhan murmured at last. "I like these dates."

"Do you really?" she piped hopefully.

He was torn between this. And yet still Ava looked at him with such adoration. He was undeserving. "Yes," he muttered. "I like spending time with you." She beamed such a happy smile at him that he couldn't help but look away. "I admit it, all right? ... I hate it when you're sad."

Ava slipped her fingers into his curled hand and whispered, "I'm not so sad. I wish I could make you less sad. You're really hurting inside, I can feel it."

He accepted her touch and held her hand in his, saying nothing.

After a few moments, they found themselves walking down the beach again. Something rose to the front of Ava's mind -- something she had been trying to beat back all this time. It was so special to her to be with Wolf, and she didn't want to pass that time making them both feel horrible. But it just wouldn't leave her alone.

Luhan's agonized globes passed over her once impassively before at last he seemed to steel himself and intone, "Ava. You've been worrying."

"Lulu... it's..."

And at that moment everything came together, all of the magic and the hurt that had been building that day, and he locked his windows to his soul with hers and whispered, "You can tell me."

It was like a floodgate burst, or some barrier of fear had been struck down. Ava shook her head and everything came out at once. "I keep thinking about him. You know, we... were together, in our own way.... I didn't want to talk about him all the time with you, Luhan. I want you to know... it's not the same. But, no matter what... when I think about him, it hurts, Luhan. He... isn't someone I'm going to forget."

Luhan listened silently and solemnly. At last, when all the words had left her and she was at a loss for words, he reached out to her and took a deep breath to whisper back, "Ava... that's awful. It wish that weren't how it is. I wish I could say more. Ava...." Ava's eyes began to burn, and she abruptly pulled him into a fierce embrace. His crystals widened at first, but then he too felt overwhelmed by emotion and succumbed to the warmth of her touch.

"You," Ava whispered, her breath hot on his ear. "As long as you're here, I'll be all right." They held each other as tears trickled down cheeks and dripped onto the shifting sands to be carried away into the sea. With time and soothing embraces, their pain dissipated into a mist swept out by the ocean breeze and into the setting sun.

They basked in each other's quiet companionship for a few moments.

"Mm. Sunset."

Ava lifted her head at Luhan's words to behold the dying sun's carrot-colored radiance. "How beautiful."

After a moment of silence, he said quietly and seriously, "It seems fate has been kind to me... just this once."

She clasped his firm hand and murmured in response, "A love this true must be fated to be."

"Hmm," he said only. But when Ava looked at him, she saw a glimmer of hope in his morose globes.

Ava sighed with contentment and brought him closer. She gazed at the beautiful blonde rays of the falling sun, thinking about everything that had transpired on this day and all that would pass between them.

"I love you, Lulu."

"I love you too, Ava."

Their lips met, and cocoa strands met bubble-gum ones, aflame in the dying light. The sand was their witness and the rumbling ocean their approving audience, and Luhan, her eternally faithful lover. Ava thought to herself that nothing could be more perfect in the world.

Thus concludes our tale.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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