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Chapter one

"Dammit Syrena! Please come," whined Alexis, I smiled and cocked my head to the right then replied, "No," I said and began I walk away laughing. Alexis sighed and grabbed my arm, "Help me! She's kidnapping me!" I screamed, jokingly. Alexis let go, "please? They are all really nice," she wimpered, "fine! I'll go to your spin the bottle crap." I said, she jumped, "Yay," she screeched, grabbing my hand and pulling me over to the half dozen kids in a circle. I recognized some from just seeing then around town but I didn't really know any of them since I was homeschooled. "Hey... your Syrena Williums, right?" Asked a boy behind me, "Yes-" I started then turned around and squealed, "Luke!" I screeched, he covered his ears and laughed. Now I know what your thinking, are they dating? No! Me and Luke are just friends and we have been for a really long time, we are both homeschooled and we get along really well. Luke had been on a 4 week trip to Tahiti to study fish. "Have you been working out?" I asked and slapped his stomach, he winced then laughed. You could see the border of my hand from the five star I had given him. "And now I'm tanner than you," he boasted playfully, "not for long," I laughed and gave him one more hug. We sat down next to each other and watched the others play spin the bottle, "I missed you," I said sleepily, he yawned, "I missed you too. The guys there are boring, all they talk about is fish." He said in a high pitched tone, I laughed "Alexis has been trying to get my to come and do this with everyone for a long time." I said rolling my eyes, he chuckled. Then came someone who I did know... Mackenna Freeman, but she demands everyone to call he MK after her first and last name. I looked at Luke, "Here comes the queen bee I warned," he nodded, "we're gonna leave soon then." He said annoyed, you see, Mackenna and Luke went out about a year ago but it didn't go well. The minute he tried to tell to stop spending his money she started crying and called the cops saying that he had hit her. "Hey Luky poo," she said squeezing his cheeks, "I didn't know you were gonna be here." She said, the suprised expression on her face was fake, so fake," Since when have you been coming here? I snapped, she glanced at me, "I was about to ask you the same question," she hissed, I rolled my eyes and leaned on Luke. "Luke sat up, "Ok, well me and Syrena are gonna get going now," he said pulling me up off the sand, we ran down the beach kicking sand behind us. I laughed, "she still has a thing for you!" I said laughing, he rolled his eyes, "No, she still has a thing for my money though," he said and sighed, I let out a heavy sigh to mock him, "Hey!" He said pushing me into the sand. I rolled my eyes and tackled him back, "Syrena! Mom wants us! It's getting late," she hollered over to me, I waved goodbye to Luke and sprinted for Alexis. Mackenna was already gone and the others were laughing and making fun of her. Alexis grabbed my hand and lead me back into the house which was just a couple feet away since we lived on the beach, my whole family surfs and we plan to pass it on to everyone we know. So this might be a little confusing so let me tell you a little about my family. Alexis is my older sister, she is 17 I'm 16 an she is what you call perfection. Her hair is perfect and it curls all evenly. she has brown hair with a teal streak... it looks perfect. She started surfing around age 5 and she loves it now, she is like an expert even though she doesn't go that much now, she says it is because her friends don't do it with her. Then there is My brother Max, Max is a professional when it comes to surfing, I really don't get to see him that much anymore because he goes to all these big surfing competitions. He almost got to compete in Mavericks once! Max has a girlfriend named Cameron and she surfs as well she is ok at surfing but she goes a lot. My dad is the one who made me surf, he told me how to surf, he is kind of like my teacher. He has been surfing for as long as he can remember and he is amazing! His name is Robert and we works at surf lesson place where he teaches beginners how to surf. And last but not least is my mom, ya... she surfs... I never said she was good. My mom is a vet and she doesn't really have the time to surf like the rest of us. She loves to surf but since she doesn't that often she isn't that great. But that's alright, I'm just happy she does surf. We all life in San Diego on this really Vacant beach. No one comes because no one knows its so great. The only time you see a lot of people here is when a movie is shot here and there are a lot! Luke I want to tell you a little about too. Luke is like the brother I've always wanted (even though he's a lot like the one I have now) I've never really had a friend who was a girl because me and Luke have a weird clique... I know that doesn't sound good but to be honest in my opinion it is...

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