But i Love You... Don't Make Me Wait [2]

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Sorry about the wait guys - last year of school is killing me, i the literal sense. i wasn't going to finish this story, but people seem to like it so i'll do my best. i getting a bit more attached to it aswel, so... here's the next wee bit. hope u like, let me know xx

Rob left. He would be our all night - what did that mean? Oh God - he wouldn't sleep with someone would he?

The same thoughts kept churning around in my mind for an hour and a half before I couldn't take it anymore. I was in the shower when I finally snapped -

'FUCK!' I yelled and punched the tiled wall of the shower. Pain shot through my hand, but I didn't mind - it was strangely calming. I felt my mind clearing as I pulled my fist away from the wall and noted the bleeding cut across my knuckles. It didn't bother me; I simply washed the blood off my hand under the running water.

Once I had finished drying myself - my hand felt a bit sore and stiff - I had my mind made up: if Rob was going out to party away his troubles why the fuck did I have to be stuck at his house waiting for him like some love sick teenager? Well ok, I was a love sick teenager, but that didn't mean I had to mope - and it's not like I'd done anything wrong anyway. I had sex, big deal - so many people my age are much freer with their bodies and their sexual activities than I am - why should he be able to make me feel bad for something I did before our relationship had even begun. That was as unfair as Rob telling me to say home while he went out to drink away his 'trouble'.

I decided a night out was exactly what I needed.

Luckily for me I'd crashed at Rob's a couple nights before after we'd gone to the theatre to see a play (I know we're just so cultured, haha) so I had some heels and fancy stuff to compliment the outfit I'd been wearing today. In the end I opted to wear my black suede pumps, a short black dress I'd worn to the theatre (it had a scooping neckline but was loose and hung beautifully) and my vintage leather jacket (always a favourite). I was nowhere near excited, but knowing I was being defiant gave my mood a little boost and my eyes began to twinkle mischievously.

Last was to put on a bit more makeup - updating from a daytime to a night-time look - and working a bit of product through my hair to give it a bit of volume and create that sexy-messy look.

When I was done I grabbed my bag and stood in front of the mirror - not too bad, I thought. My lean, toned legs were tastefully displayed and the leather jacket gave the outfit some toughness. I shot a smile at my reflection and then walked out the door - Showtime.

The problem with Rob's area is that there are only a couple of places to go at night, so I would have to do my best to avoid Rob. He wasn't really a night club person (not that there were many around here), he was more of a local bar, see a band guy. So was I usually, but tonight I wanted distractions - the distractions that deafening music and drunken dancing were sure to provide.

Oh right, I should explain - I'm underage, but because I've been out with Rob around here a lot (and the area is low key and not really strict, so I wouldn't have any trouble getting in anywhere. And it probably helps that I look closer to 20 than to 17.

I was making my way to where the best of the few night clubs was located, and I noticed I was attracting quite a lot of attention from the men around me. God why couldn't Rob just see me like that? Why wasn't I desirable to him, instead of his innocent, cute-17-year-old-girlfriend? A tear rolled down my cheek and I shook my head, shaking away the thoughts. No thinking about him tonight I promised myself. It was I promise I knew I couldn't keep.

The line outside was longer than I'd seen it in a while. I sighed and started making my way past the bouncers to the end of the line.

'Hey Jess - ' I tensed up for a second, even though it wasn't his voice. When I turned I say that one of the bouncers was a friend of Rob's. His name was Tony, a 6 foot 6 Maori who must have weighed 200 kg. He was huge - he was also one of the sweetest guys you could meet, a slight contradiction to his appearance.

'Tony,' I smiled, genuinely happy to see him, 'how are you?'

'Not too bad. We're pretty busy tonight, but can't complain.' He said grinning. 'But listen, the lines pretty long so just go through.'

'Thanks so much.' I said as he unclipped the rope.

'No problems, it helps to know people I high places.' He grinned, joking.

I laughed and headed towards the door, calling out a thankyou over my shoulder.

'Hey - Rob's coming later, yea?' I hear Tony call after me in his booming voice.

I just forced a smile and nodded - that was the quickest way to get out of that awkward question.

When I pushed open the door the music engulfed my, and I felt it pulsing through my body. First I would drink and then - I was going to fucking dance the night away!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2009 ⏰

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