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When I was a kid, I never thought I'd be this way.

I thought I would be the kid everyone knew and loved. I thought I would be the girl most boys crushed on. I thought I would be Mrs. Popular. Well, that never happened. That spot was taken by someone else, but I won't go into details with who that is because she's extremely irrelevant and I really don't care. Since the title of "Mrs. Popular" was taken, I became the exact opposite of who I thought I would be.

My childhood me would hate the present me. There's a huge difference between me before and me now. I was a girly girl as a little girl, but now I'm a huge tomboy who won't take shit from anyone. I loved dresses, now? I love combat boots and flannels. I wanted to wear nice makeup. I wanted to wear lipstick and all those chemicals. Well black eyeliner is my best friend right now, and I don't plan on changing.

I'm a thirteen know-it-all teenager who has a grudge against society and short skirts. I'm quite short, I achieve the height of 5 feet exactly. I have brown hair that's normally in a ponytail, and I have brown eyes. I also wear glasses, because my eyes are fucked up and apparently I need them to see. I have curves, but I don't like them. One of my friends, Henna, loves my feminine figure and says I should be grateful for being blessed with it. How about no?

I sat under a streetlamp, gazing at the pale blue sky. It was kind of dangerous for me to be so close to my school campus but, I didn't feel like going to school today. It was only 7:41am, and the first hour starts in nine minutes. I wonder if any of my friends have the same idea as I do and they've decided to cut school altogether. I took out my phone, and texted them.

Me: Aye
Kristina: I see you under that streetlamp.

I turned around to see a blonde with blue eyes holding her phone. Her hair was waist-length and she had freckles. She didn't really have much curves. She had on a light blue hoody, and dark blue jeans. Her lips were in a playful smile. That's Kristina. She's childlike, but don't let her personality fool you. She's a huge daredevil.

"Sup," Kristina mumbled.
"Aye, where are the others?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow. i'm surprised that Henna isn't with her.
She looked up at me. "Henna and Jacob aren't coming. Ali got in trouble for skipping Chorus 2 days in a row, and Lauren may or may not meet up with us later." The blonde explained, shrugging shortly afterward.
I nodded, "they're gonna miss out on the 8:00 train ride then."
"That's their problem."

Kristina and I stood there for a few more moments in case anyone else wanted to join us for a train ride. No one came, so we decided to go anyways. I turned down a small road and ran, my bangs slightly in my face. Kristina was right next to me. I could feel the wind on my face. It felt amazing to be free. Soon we ended up near a shopping center, and Kristina took out her phone to check the time when we reached another streetlamp. I leaned against the metal, gazing at the empty shopping center.

"It's 7:50, we gotta go!" Kristina panicked aloud.

I gazed at her and then at a nearby sign. It read Lapis Boulevard. I knew where we were. The railroad tracks were nearby, and we had a bit of time to slack. Kristina often didn't remember where the tracks were since she normally admired nature with Henna.

"The tracks are right behind the shopping center, bimbo." I murmured, "if you paid attention, you would know where they are."
Kristina rolled her blue eyes sarcastically, "as many times as you skip school, I'm not surprised."

I ignored her for a moment. My hand went into my pocket and I took out a five dollar bill. I turned back to the shopping center and saw a Deli. I turned to Kristina, who was making her way behind the shopping center. I suppose I could get a snack. I went into the store, and there wasn't a single cashier. I could hear sounds of conversation, but there didn't seem to be anyone around. My eyes darted around for a camera, and there weren't any,

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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