Some Nights I Want To End It All (fun. fanfiction)

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Part 1: Rosa's POV: 

I looked at the time on my little flip up concert phone, 6:50. "Almost time to go in!" I grinned flipping my phone closed and putting it back in my shorts pocket. I looked at my best friend Sara her glacier blue eyes shone with excitement. It was her first concert (my 10th) and we were going to see our favourite band, fun.. We had been queuing up since 3 o'clock and we were quite close to the front. Suddenly the queue started moving forward, "We're going in!" I squealed, flapping my arms excitedly. The security woman scanned my ticket and checked my bag as I excitedly jogged on the spot ready for the familiar half run to the crowd. As soon as she was done I ran straight in not really paying any attention to wether Sara was behind me or not, she could catch up! I turned around as soon as I got to the wall of people. Sara wasn't far behind me, her long caramel brown hair was bouncing as she ran. She looked ecstatic! "Second row." I smiled turning back to face the stage as she took her place at my left. 

"I can't believe we're actually here! We've been waiting so long!" she exclaimed, her blue eyes widening as she looked at the stage. It was all set up for the support act, Miniature Tigers. I had never heard any of their songs but I had heard they were pretty good. 

"They better have good music playing before." I groaned, "It was terrible at Train!" The venue was starting to fill up now as more people were being let in, a young couple came and stood to my right and there were lots of people behind me.

"Thank you! We're Miniature Tigers and you've been amazing! We'll be at the back of the venue waiting to meet you all. Enjoy fun.!" yelled Charlie, the lead singer of Miniature Tigers. We all screamed. They had been pretty good but in a way I was glad they were done because it meant it was only a matter of time before fun. came on! 

"Nearly time!" I squealed turning to face Sara who was excitedly fanning herself despite the fact it wasn't actually very warm, yet. 

"I can't wait! Why can't they just come on now!?" she complained watching the crew clear up the stage. 

"It's gonna be like half an hour yet. I hate the wait, I'm pretty sure everyone does!" I laughed turning back to watch the stage. Secretly I kind of liked watching the crew set up, it was something I was used to having been to more concerts than I can count on one hand! Almost two as I had another concert at the beginning of next month. But right now it was all about fun. and I could tell they were almost done setting up. I looked over at Sara, she looked kind of bored. "Its almost time." I whispered in her ear so no one else could hear me. She squealed ecstatically. Everyone stared at us, I couldn't stop laughing! I could see the couple next to us looking annoyed out of the corner of my eye. Suddenly the lights went off and the music started. The whole venue went crazy! Will, Emily and Nattie ran on and we all screamed and then Nate, Jack and Andrew came on and we screamed even louder. "Standing in Brooklyn just waiting for something to happen." sang Nate, pretty much the entire venue joined in. It felt amazing! They day I had been waiting months for was finally here! "I can't help but look thinking that everyone one doesn't get it, To my left is a window." 

"WHERE DID I GO!" I yelled punching the air. They were even better than I expected and I was loving it! I couldn't stop smiling! 

"My reflection just blends in to rows of clothes, And bad ideas," he sung grinning at the crowd. 

"BUT IDEAS NONETHELESS!" I yelled grinning back up at him. 

"And so..." he sings going into the chorus. "I put one foot in front of the other one. 

I don't need a new love or a new life - just a better place to die. I put one foot in front of the other one. I don't need a new love or a new life - just a better place to die." he sang. He looked so cute! I mean, he looked cute in pictures but he looked even better in real life! It was still so unreal. "I happen to stumble upon a chapel last night. And I can't help but back up when I think of what happens inside. I got friends locked in boxes." 

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