This is a collection of some poems I have written. Please remember this is the first thing I have ever shared on Wattpad so please be respectful. Thank you, enjoy.
This first one is called "I'm Done"
I'm done
I'm done with it all
I'm done trying
What's the point?
What's the point in trying,
When no one cares,
When you will screw up anyway?
I'm tired of getting hurt
And again.
I want to cut.
I want to die.
I want to stop hurting.
I want to stop crying,
Stop thinking I'm good enough,
But then getting hurt
By those that can hurt me in ways no one else can.
I want to be happy,
Pain free
I want to cut so badly,
But that would be letting them win.
I want to die,
But that would bring disappointment.
I'm already a disappointment,
Someday I will be free,
But tonight I will fight the urge to cut.
I may fail,
I don't care anymore,
I'm done caring.
I know that was a lot for a first poem. I hope anyone who reads my poems can understand that this is what I feel in the moment. Thank you for reading. I'm here for everyone. Leave a comment if I should continue writing.
I'm Done
PoetryThese are some poems that I have written. Warning: many of then are written when I'm in a bad place and non are edited because I write on my phone