Goodbye Letter

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                   I was  walking down 42nd and Lexington when I just so happened to see a very pretty blonde about to cross the street.She looked extremely familar but I couldn't.see her face.I waved at her,trying to get her attention.She still didn't look at me.I turnt my head for a fraction of a second and BAM!I turned around to see her fall helplessly to the ground.Blood gushing from her head.

                                                    And then I knew who she was.She was my sister.


  I woke up noticing two things.One,my head was in extreme pain,and Two,there was a young woman sitting at the table next to my bed.She looked alot like my twin sister,Alison.

As soon as the woman noticed I was awake,she scrambled to her feet,mumbled something about a nurse and left the room quickly.

Where am I? I asked my self.I have no idea where I'm at.I can't feel my legs.It feels like I haven't walked in forever. I look around to see wilted flowers on the night stand and deflated baloons in the corner.A few minutes later the woman and a nurse arrived.The nurse looked at me with kind eyes.

"Hello Maddison.We thought you would never wake up.How's your head?"

"It hurts.So do my legs.Where am I?" 

"I imagine they do.Your at the county hospital.Do you remember anything that happened?"

"No.I don't remember anything.Where is my mom?Shouldn't she be here?"

The woman looked at me with sad eyes.There was a tear running down her cheek.The nurse frowned sadly.

"I'm sorry Maddison."

"What do you mean?And who is she?" I looked at the woman thats been standing in silence the whole time.

Thats when the young woman started to speak.

"What do you mean,'who is she'?!Im your sister.Maddy,Im Alison!You got hit by a car and you've been in a coma for almost 8 years!They tried to pull the plug a million times!We thought you were never going to wake up!"

    Well that sure explained alot.The reason why my head hurt and I barely could feel my legs.

"Wh-what about mom?Where is she?"

"Maddy.......she..she died over a year ago.Right there."She pointed to the corner where the deflated baloons are."She never gave up." She barely whispered.

     "So....I've been in a coma for 8 years.That makes us 25.What about Joey?"He was my boyfriend since I was a Freshmen in highschool.We'd almost been together for 3 years.He was my first.I loved him.He loved me.We were going to graduate  and go to Penn State together.We were going to get married one day.

   Alison did't answer me.She just looked at the floor and I could tell she was crying again.

"Ally....What happened?Where is Joey?"

"Im so,so sorry Maddy.....Joey killed himself after you had been in a coma for 4 years.He never dated any one else.He dropped out of High School a few months before graduation.He never left your side.He said he couldn't live without you."

   Then everything hit me at once.Everything and everyone I once loved,was gone.My mother and the love of my life were dead.All the hard work felt like nothing now.All I had left was Alison.She would do better with out me.

"Why, Alison, why?!Nothing will ever be the same!I should have just died!Why didn't you just kill me and get it over with!You would do so much better with out me!" I sobbed.

       "Because I loved you!You might not realize this,but I don't have anyone either!I never finished High school.Alex broke up with me because I was always here.I haven't left this hospital since mom died!I could'nt just leave you,Maddy."She laughed inbetween sobs,"Your just as stubborn and inconsiderate as before !Always thinking of youself.The nurses stopped checking up on you a long time ago.They said you had a 2% chance of waking up.I lived for that 2%.But you know what?Maybe I should have just put that gun to my head like Joey!Would you have been happier Maddison?!" She walked out and slammed the door behind her.

                        Now I really didn't have anybody.I have no home.No family.I let a tear run down my cheek.I watched the clear liquid run through the cords and wires where it hooked up to the machine that was helping me breathe.I could end this,I thought to myself.

On the table was a pen and an old 'Get Well Soon' card.' I grabbed it and wrote the words in my head on the back of the card,hoping Alison would find it,or someone would give it to her. I took my last breath and pulled the cord.



  Why am I being so stupid?I should be happy she's alive.All those years without her.No one knows I saw what happened.I wish I could have stopped her from crossing.But I never thought I would see my own sister get hit by a car.All the questions from friends and family.Watching as everyone gave up.Except me. Okay Alison,time to be the big girl,I said to myself as I headed up the street back to the hospital.

    There were no nurses on post.None in the office nor the waiting room.When I got to the floor where Maddys room was,I found all of them rushing from one room to another.Maddy wasn't in her room.

   Ms.Shelly,the nurse that tended to Maddy,happened to pass.

"Excuse me,Where's Maddison James?"

"Who?"She said,but before I could say something back,something registered in her eyes."Oh....You should sit down."

"Why?Where is she?What happened?"

"Im Sorry,Ms.James......Your sister died under an hour ago.But she left this for you."

   I was in so much shock,I couldn't even cry.I had no idea why she was giving me the old card Aunt Carol got for Maddy. I was suprised it had even survived at all.But then I saw,on the back was a letter.A letter for me.

  I walked.Then I ran.Out of the hospital.Down the street.Past the house and to the creek where Maddy and I use to hang out when we were younger.I sat under the old willow tree that had the markings ' M and A.Sisters 4ever.'  Then I read it.

           'Dear Alison,

      I'm sorry.Those seem to be the only words I can say.You were right,but you were also wrong.I wasn't being inconsiderate.I've always thought about you.Ally,you deserve to be happy.You deserve to live.You have everything to live for.I was asleep for 8 years.Theres no way I could get those years back.So as I sit here,holding the plug that determines my life,I'm thinking of you and what you deserve.Its your turn to be the big girl Ally.I Love You.



   I read the goodbye letter,my sister's last words, a dozen times after the first.I didn't cry.I showed no emotion at all.I layed down on the pillow of grass,closing my eyes.

I love you..... Whispered the wind.

 I love you too. I said.

And then I dreamed of nothing but my sister and her  bright,shiny green eyes.

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