Chapter One

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"Hello class, my name is Mr. Tomlinson, and as you may have realized, I am new to the school. I will be teaching you English this semester. I hope to make this course as easy, and as fun for you as possible, but you guys are going to have to put an effort into this too. If you're ever struggling, or need extra help, you can always come and see me. But without further ado, let's get to know each other."

Normally, I don't look up at my teachers once during the lesson. Maybe that's why I do so badly in their classes, but this teacher was different. Not only was he extremely attractive, with his sturdy frame, feathery light brown hair, and puppy-blue eyes, he was also young, charismatic, and seemed like a really nice person, and a really good teacher. You know, the kind that would stay with you for hours to make sure you knew what was going on. He would be devoted to you.

I noticed everybody standing up, and figured I should probably do the same.

"Now, can everybody stand in a circle around the desks? Try not to leave any big gaps." Mr. Tomlinson directed.

As instructed, everybody formed a circle, and, as expected, I wasn't part of it. I had been standing between a boy named Christian and a girl named Savanna, but they had moved towards each other, and pushed me out of the circle.

"Curly! Come on next to me!" Mr. Tomlinson called. At first I hadn't even registered that he was referring to me, but then I saw him staring at me expectantly and realized I was the only curly haired kid in the class.

I sauntered awkwardly over to the new teacher, and tried to avoid eye contact with him. I stood in the space him and Charles- the boy on my left- had made for me.

"Alright. So, this is a pretty simple game that you've probably all played before," Mr. Tomlinson started. "I'm going to start with this little stress ball here," He lifted the small ball of foam in indication. "And I am going to say my name, and one of my hobbies. After I say my name and my hobby, I am going to pass the stress ball to somebody else in the circle, where they will tell us their name an one of their hobbies, and so on and so forth. Everyone understand?"

After receiving the affirmative, the game began.

"My name is Louis Tomlinson, and I make a hobby of singing terribly in front of my bathroom mirror." The class giggled at his statement, and a few people said things like 'saaaame.'

Mr. Tomlinson tossed the ball to a scrawny girl whose name was Hayley, and she told us she liked to read comic books. The ball continued to get tossed around, and sure enough, I was the very last person to get the ball.

A guy named Aiden, who was basically just a living brick wall, thought it would be funny to whip the ball at me. And since I have terrible reaction time, the ball hit me in the eye. The class erupted into laughter. Even though I was actually in a lot of pain, I didn't make a big deal of it, because I hate drawing attention to myself, and I picked up the ball.

"Now, Aiden. Why did you think that would be okay?" Mr. Tomlinson asked somewhat accusingly.

"Sorry, Mr. Tomlinson. But look at him, he's fine, aren't you Garry?" Aiden said with his stupid grin.

"My name is Harry, not Garry," I glared at the oaf, and rolled my eyes.

"Can you tell us one of your hobbies, Harry?" The teacher asked with an apologetic smile.

"I... No." I replied, and lowered my eyes to the floor. I was going to say that I spend a lot of time getting yelled at by my mother, but thought better of it. Nobody here needs to know about that.

"Oh, come on now! There's got to be something that you do in your spare time!" Mr. Tomlinson prodded again.

"I bake sometimes, mind you everything I make tastes pretty awful." I shrug, and hold the ball out to him.

"I'm sure your baking is lovely, Harry. Anyways, that's the end of class, I will see you all tomorrow, have a great first day back at school! And Aiden, can you stay back a moment please?"

Mr. Tomlinson dismissed us, and we went to our next classes and carried on about our days. I liked Mr. Tomlinson so far, and I hoped he would be a fairly easy marker, because I have always sucked at school, but English especially.

All through my other classes, I couldn't think of anything but going home. On the one hand, I loved going home; I could get away from all of the people that I hated, and all of the people that hated me, and I didn't have to worry about the guy beside my locker who was so big in drug dealing that he practically ran a pharmaceutical business out of his locker.

But on the other hand, I hated going home. My dad passed away when I was still fairly young, I was almost eight, but I still miss him. My mother had been looking for a boyfriend for a few years, but she gave up. Most of the men she dated were either too much like my father, or were complete jerks to her. It was really hard for my mum, raising me by herself. She never had a great paying job, but with my father, they could at least afford a decent apartment and enough groceries for the week. Now, without him, my mum works sixteen hours a day, including a night shift. She's barely ever home, and she feels terrible about it. But it was the only job she could find, so she took it. I started working at the supermarket in town almost a year ago, to save up for college.

My mom always yells at me whenever she is home though, she tells me I'm stupid, and that I don't try hard enough. She knows that I'm gay, and while she doesn't harass me about it, she also doesn't treat me like she used to. For example, before I came out to her, she would hug me all of the time, she would ask me about my feelings, and she would show that she cared about me. Now, if I ever bring up anything that's bothering me, I'm lucky to even get the chance to finish what I'm saying. She doesn't want to hear about my feelings anymore, and she doesn't hug me anymore... But I guess that might not have to do with me being gay.

Anyways, by the time the day is over, and I get to go home, I'm relieved. My mum isn't going to be home until 5:00 am, and she'll want to sleep before her next shift. So I wont have to worry about her, and today has just left me with a crappy mood, [and not to mention a swelling eye] so I just want to get home and rest.


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Author's Note:
Hey! This is my second Larry Stylinson story, my other one was called "Be My Baby", and it was a bdsm story. I deleted it because I didn't like it, and I never updated it. Not to mention I only had 5 votes... Anyways. This story will probably be really slow in terms of Louis and Harry actually getting together, but there will be Larry moments in the next chapter, and I'll try to get some Larry action in all of the chapters. If you think I should roll with this idea, please vote and/or comment and give me some feedback. I'm open to ideas. I'll try to update every week or two weeks, and I hope you guys enjoy this story!

Lots of love,
Claire :*

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