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Alone alone, my only friends now; dark festering pain and hate. why cant I find love everyone always abandons me, they always change and its always the same story "get out of my life your holding me back" I'm only crying out for help I dont need anything special just some kind words, please I dont want to be alone anymore what god in heaven would allow me to be treated this way, always stripped away from everything I care for everything I love. Alone alone, my only friends now; dark festering pain and hate. You said we would be friends forever but you betrayed me, you lied to me you could of helped me so easily but you didnt stop to think you didnt stop and acctually try to care for me you told me go go to sombody else I didnt want anyone else's help I wanted yours, I was alone you told me go find new friends go away! but i didnt want new friends I wanted you to cre for me a few kind words would of made it all better a simple  "I'm here for you" would of made my heart flutter with joy but now i weep alone on the edge of death by my own hand. Alone alone, my only friends now; dark festering pain and hate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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