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I stand there, looking up at the Head Masters building. Admiring the small things about it. The details, the colours, the windows and the placement of it all. In the daze, i was interrupted by my butler, Sebastian.

"My lady, shall we?" He asks, gesturing towards the building. I sigh nervously and adjust my dress before approaching the door.

We were greeted by an unusual man. A man of strange looks. His white hair, long enough to cover some of his face, his skin as pale as a winters day, his eyes where nearly as blue as the sky was that day. He simply smiles warmly and invites us in, straight to the Head Masters office.

"Ahh! You must be Juniper, and your butler, Sebastian," He welcomed us cheerfully and stood up from his seat, "I am just glad you made it safely! How do you like the school so far?"

"Its beautiful... The cherry blossom trees outside are just magnificent! Im so pleased that you've accepted me to attend, thank you, Head Master" I smiled politely, curtsying.

"Oh stop that," He laughed "Call me Ichabod! I wont accept that silly formal addressing" He continued to laugh.

I looked back up to Sebastian with a confused look on my face. Was he serious? I mean- i know its America and all but, its still proper to greet an elder politely...

"You must be tired after a long day of traveling, ya?" He looked over to the man, "Keenai, show them to her room." He sat back in his seat and leaned his elbows on the table, looking to me and Sebastian. "I have allowed you and your butler to be placed in the same room. Its a dorm room so there are other people staying in the same building. I hope you don't mind, Juniper."

I shook my head once, "No, no, its absolutely fine!"

"Great! Then, here are your classes and studies. All of the information about them are in here." He placed a folder on the desk. Sebastian retrieves it.

I bowed my head slightly "Thank you Head Mas-" I clear my throat "Thank you, Ichabod"

"Bye Juniper!" He said gay as we followed Keenai out.

We walked down the moonlit, stone path to a dormitory.

All the way to the top floor, we entered the room and flicked on the lights. There was two bed on either side of the room. Two wardrobes, two desks and a french window that over looks the university. In the middle of the room neatly laid our belongings.

We thanked Keenai and Sebastian closed the door as he left. I grabbed the folder and opened it up. I gazed through my classes and schedule.

"Im in something called the "Day Class"... What is that?" I asked, inviting Sebastian to come sit with me at the desk. He took the paper and investigated.

"It seems to me that there is a second class... There is the day class and a night class... One for the day and one for the night" He explained.

"What is the difference?" I ask.He shrugs.

"Im not quite sure my lady. Maybe because of limited space, they created separate times for students to be taught."

I nod in agreement.

"Come m'lady. Lets get you prepared for bed, yes?" He suggested. I stood up and walked over to my bed, he unpacked my suitcases and put all of my belongings into the wardrobe as i slip into my white night gown. I crawl into bed and curl up into the blanket.

"Goodnight Sebastian" I said, drifting off to sleep.

"Goodnight Juniper..."

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