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"Thunder storms, lightning and heavy rain may lead to a tornado or flood. Take caution if you have to walk home and completely avoid rivers and other water all together." Some teacher was talking over the loud speaker. I'm not sure who it was. I was excited. I'd never seen a tornado before. Everyone in my class thought I was crazy. "I've never seen a tornado" I told Nick "Jessica, you're insane"

I really am

It was the end of the day and I headed towards my locker. Hayley, the girl who has the locker on top of mine, was already there. I waited silently for her to grab her jacket and backpack. When she finished, I opened my locker and threw everything into my bag the zipped it up. Nick was walking down the hall. I extended my leg and he tripped on it and kind of stumbled. He didn't see me. I slammed my locker shut and quickly put my lock onto it. I walked fast down the hall and stopped at Nick's locker where he was trying to shove his laptop into it.


"See you"

I caught up with my friend Jayde, who was walking to our bus. The bus wasn't there yet. We talked until it came then sat with each other when it came. We had a short bus ride. When we came to our stop, we got off and went our separate ways. Jayde couldn't walk by my house that day because of her birthday party that was later that night. I was excited yet scared at the same time. I'd never been rollerblading before and that's what we were doing at the party.

The time finally came and my mother was driving me to the roller rink. "You'll be fine, just remember to have fun." Easy for her to say, she's not the one who could be humiliated in front of all of her friends.

"Mia! Hey!" I barely even knew Mia. Oh well, she's the only one who was also going to the party that I'd seen so far. "I'm so scared" I told her. "Me too"

Jayde came and so did the party guests. I handed her a card I had bought her. It had ten dollars and a big lollipop shoved inside. We strapped on our rollerblades and headed off. It was a lot of fun.

We we're eating when I got a text from my dad. He was in Prince Edward Island, and I was in Calgary. 'Are you anywhere near where it's flooding' it read. 'No, I'm fine right now.' I replied.

The party was over and my sister and uncle came to pick me and my friend Justice up. We came onto the highway, that goes over a bridge. The river was overflowing. We dropped off Justice than went home.

"Wanna go for a drive down the 22X?" My uncle Fern asked. "Sure".

When Fern and i got down there we decided to take a walk down in fish creek park.

"Don't tell your mother I took you down here, she'll kill me" Fern said. "I won't tell her"

The water was starting to come up on the pavement.

Fern went into the Shell to get some chips and a monster. Then on the radio I herd "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP THIS IS AN ALBERTA FLOOD WARNING! If you are currently located on lower ground, you must evacuated to higher ground as soon as possible." My mind went strait to Nick. I didn't know where he lived, what if he'd been evacuated? I didn't want to text him because I was scared that I'd be annoying him.

Fern came out to the truck and I told him about the warning. "We're fine, we're on higher ground." He said "I know that"

I laid down in my bed and couldn't stop worrying about my friends. What if some of them got evacuated? I turned on my tv to distract myself.

BUZZ BUZZ! My phone woke me up. I checked the clock and it said 11:17PM. The text was from Nick. "Were you evacuated?" It read. "No, you?" I replied. Two minutes later he replied with "No." I was so happy to hear that. I replied "that's good." It really was good. He replied "Night night, I'm tired of watching all these videos." I wasn't quite sure what he was talking about. Maybe videos on YouTube of the Bow river that was overflowing.


I slowly drifted back to sleep.

I woke up twenty minutes later to the sound of my phone buzzing.

"We have no school tomorrow, it's cancelled" it was Nick

No. I didn't want school to be cancelled. The next day was my second last day of school before I move back to Prince Edward Island.

"I don't know if I can believe you."

"Check online, it's probably on our school website."

"I'll check"

I didn't find anything online, or on our school site.

"I didn't find anything"

"I'm not quite sure where it is, my mom seen it."

I overheard my sister talking to my mother. "Jessica's got no school tomorrow, I seen it on Facebook."

"I guess we do have no school tomorrow, my sister found it."

Nick didn't reply

Well he did reply, in to morning, in fact, he woke me up.


Nick really over celebrates when he's right.

Two seconds later he said "lol did I wake you up" I replied "yes" so much for sleeping in.

"Do you know Alex Stevens" Nick said

"Uh, I don't know, I don't think so, why?"

"He got evacuated"

Alex went to our school, so there was a huge chance that people in my class got evacuated too.

I looked outside my window. The street was empty. It was raining. The house phone rang and I ran to answer it. It was Fern. He asked if I wanted to go for a drive, and that he was just driving past the school and the place he was working had been evacuated. I said sure. I quickly went to my bedroom and got dressed. When I was finished, Fern's truck was pulling up to the curb. I put on my faded Toms and ran outside and struggled to get into his truck because it is so high up.

We drove over the 22X. The water was still quickly rising. Fern got gas then dropped me back off home. He had gotten a call from his buddy, Robby, or as we call him, Frootloop.

Willard, my mother's boyfriend, picked me up from the house and we went to Costco to buy bottled water. There was going to be a water shortage.

Costco was insane, everywhere you looked there were people with cases and cases of water in their carts.

We left Costco and headed back onto the Deer foot, which is the highway. I looked outside of the car window, there was water everywhere. I took a picture and sent it to Nick. Twenty minutes later he replied with "my parents are stupid enough to go onto the fucking flooded Deer foot because they don't like the food we have here." I just laughed. Wouldn't you?

I told him that we're that stupid too

I got news that school was cancelled until Thursday, but my flight was Tuesday. I never seen my friends again.


Ok so I'm fine. everyone was fine. I'd write about this more but it really is just a depressing blur with sad headlines and a lot of water. It's now been about four months since the flood and I'm over it and I hate thinking of it so I'm not finishing this. I'm still, however, choosing to publish it because it is my YYC storey and I know it's not as interesting nor tragic as any other. I'm done with this now,

Buh Bye


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2013 ⏰

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