glimer wok up at ellven tirty ayem and she imeditele went to hr clozet and got ot hr amazballz reeping dres beecoose tooday waz da day of da reeping
her broter steeele cayme into hr amazballz rooom 'hey glimer' steeele sadd. 'hey steeele r yu exited for da reeping i soooo hop i get piked omg yas' glimer sadd. glimer undresed and got changd and steeele watced coose steeele is weerd. glimer and steeele wnt down and ayt breekfast wid ther parents and den cam da tim of da reeping da family waked to da towns sqare
'hallo i am silva and i am ur escort for da 74 hunga gaames' silva sadd. 'glimer booty' glimer yayyed and waked upp da stge. 'marvel hans' soome gy cam up. he ws kinda hawt but noot relly lol. marvel nd i were tacen to da jutice bullding for owr gooodbis. mumm dadd ad steeele sadd i wod wiin yayyyyyy i celbrayted ad den we wnt abbord da traiin. owr mentas r gloss ad cashmere dey r boh relly hawt add predy cashmere sadd i wod go farr in da gamez yay
we ayt and den i wnt to bedd dreeming of hawt gys i wod met att trayning lol yayyyyyy
Eterrnall Luv glato fAnfikkshin
Fanfictionglimer is a gurl livin in district 1 kato is a boyy livin in district 21 when theyy met in da hungr gamez will they fal in luv reed to findd out!!!!!!!!! GLATO ROX