Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I close my eyes tightly, trying to get them to stop burning. I don't think its healthy to stare at a computer screen for as long I have.

"Sam? Are you still up?" Dean yawns, shifting around in the cheap motel bed.

I shrug my shoulders, "Found something interesting."

A series of earthquakes have recently hit New York in the past month. Big ones. Which was unusual for the fact that there shouldn't be a large enough fault line to create an earthquake as strong as these.

And on top of that, a very large group of teens and weird animals alike have been spotted at Long Island, New York days before the earthquakes.

"Dude, go to bed. It'll be there in the morning." Dean groans, pulling the blanket up to his shoulders falling asleep again.

I sigh, taking my brothers advice and finally go to bed.

~Time skip~

"So you picked up a case is what you are saying?" Dean glances at me, his hands loose on the steering wheel.

I nod, my laptop resting in my lap, as I re-read the article. "Yeah, it says there were many disappearances after this as well."

"Well, then let's get our asses over to Long Beach, New York." Dean smirks, turning up the radio, the old classic rock blasting through the speakers.


Authors Note:

Sorry it's short! I promise there's longer chapters soon! (^u^)

I'll try to update every week or so, but i'm still In school so I may get busy. 

(>n<) Sorry

Anyways! comment ideas, constructive criticism, or anything really. 

Bye Bye! 

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