Demon of Violence

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*Just a little creepypasta I'm making*

Of all the people, why pick me?

In a forest, a man ran for his life.

Because, I saw potential in you

he wore a green vest over a black shirt, denim pants and mud covered boots. He clutched an AK-47 tightly in his hands.

But I never hurt anyone

something is following him the man was sure of it, he looked back and caught a glimpse of a figure, he couldn't distinguish on who that was but he saw red glowing pinprick eyes.

But, take away your self-control and you become a mindless killer

the figure has an axe, a fire axe to be specific. It threw the axe at the man slicing his right foot off.

I didn't ask for this

the man screamed in agony as blood spewed from the stump of his leg, the figure walked towards the man revealing it to be a teenage boy about 16, he wore an orange hooded sweater with multiple blood stains, and khaki pants but what scared the man was that the teen wore a hockey mask with the mouth holes curved up to a smile and there was nothing but darkness in the eyeholes, nothing but two red pinprick eyes.

But you did it right?, now who's to blame

The boy walked up to the man groaning in pain then when he was close enough he kicked the man in the stomach, HARD.

The man layed upright after the boy had kicked him, the pain was so unbearable he almost vomited

But atleast he's alive right?

The man desperately tried to grab his gun but the boy stomped at his face breaking his nose.


The boy then raised his hand and forcefully stabbed it into the man's stomach splattering blood everywhere and earning a shrill scream of pain from the man

Plus your only going to be doing this once a week

The man vomited again but this time blood. Lots and lots of blood. The boy without warning pulled his hand out revealing that he had grabbed onto the man's small intestine and had pulled it out.

But, I'm not good at.....killing....people

The man screamed more as burning pain shot from his stomach to his brain. The boy then used the intestines to strangle the man.

That's why I'm getting you a mentor

Unfortunately the intestine was too small and thin so it snapped, which is good for the boy but bad for the man. "You should have prayed for a swift and painless death" The boy said in a deep demonic voice.

You mean, other monsters like you?

The boy ripped out the man's arms out of it's sockets and he retrieved his fire axe that was embedded on a tree then he sliced of the man's legs. The forest is now filled with screams of agony.


The man was now nothing more than bits and pieces of mutilated meat. The boy stared at the murdere he had done and laughed maniacally. He laughed until his eyes that were black and red slowly turned into a normal shade of brown, his laugh died down and was replaced with remorseful crying not anymore in a demonic tone.

"I'm sorry!," he banged his fists on the ground as tears streamed down his mask "im...sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" a demonic voice behind the boy said.

The boy didn't bother turn around because of the guilt that was weighing on his heart, he threw away the fire axe as if he was scared that he would kill again.

"That man clearly deserved it he kidnapps children, rapes them regardless of the gender, then kills them. Why do you feel so guilty about this?"

The boy didn't reply, trembling he clasped his hands together and started to pray to God for forgiveness. The person who was talking to him laughed at this.

"Do you think after how many blood you've spilled the Big Man would still be on your side?" The person laughed harder "I don't think so."

The boy looked behind him and saw a mass of pulsating darkness and mouths.


                                                                                            THE END

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