Creationism Vs Atheism

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Religion offers the world with a branch of positive ideologies, for example basic human morals and a relaxed view of death depending on how strong your faith is. The problem with religion, not all but the majority is that they lack evidence. If atheism vs.. Religion was a court case the outcome would be an overwhelming atheism victory due to the immense library of factual evidence that is covered in modern science. Lets not forget though that religion is all down to personal choice and offers a comforting guide to dealing with lifes dilemmas.

(((Physical World))))
Atheism Argument

When you want to prove something in the real world for example you have new shoes, most of the time the person youre talking to wont have confidence in you based on the lack of evidence you have in the statement alone. Once you present the shoes to them they are inclined to believe you. Why doesn't this apply to religion? If I want to persuade someone god is real all I have is historic documentation that has not been verified and does not accurately account the true history collected by evidence but people still follow it. The answer to why, is that following religion gives you a sense of personal gain unlike the shoes that your friend has and you dont. If you persuade yourself that a god exists and they are looking out for you, it might add reassurance to your life.

(((Un-Discovered World)))
Creationism Argument

Facts what are they?

A Fact is materialistic understanding of a certain subject, the reason why I used the word materialistic is that you cant vow a fact on something spiritual or forever changing like emotion . For example Consciousness scientists still struggle to explain it and no one really knows the origin of it. This leaves space for speculation and alternative ideas such as creationism/Religion. A supernatural idea cant be proven but it doesnt mean it cant be discovered. No one can really know the true origin of the world and the gift of life. How many Facts are true, since Facts are stately recognized truths, how do you know they are real if you have not personally been there to witness the event. We essentially put faith in the state to be honest with us.

(((Victims of illusion)))

Alternatively remember We are human; everything we consume in the physical world is based on survival. Everything you know and are aware of are human created, we are pioneers in social engagement and have really well developed minds so its only Human to come up with assumptions on our existence. What if we were all wrong this could just be a simulation of some sort? The world cant exist unless youre on it, once your dead nothing exists because you cant observe anything once your gone. The point of this argument is to just enjoy the now and to not speculate on the next, be brave and optimistic about the concept of death and you will enjoy life a greater deal

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