Chapter 1 the Wolfpack sqaud

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Authors note :This squadron has only three in this one but here's how it works after the whole squad has been eliminated the squad is out the last squad or member(s) from that squad wins.

"3...2...1......GO" yelled the Wolfpack squad captain Cpt.Clay his Sgt. Sgt.Smith kicked open the door and the three ran in rifles at their sides. They all raised their rifles as they breached into the house. "Smith, go left Warner go right ( the Pvt of the group) I got middle," Cpt.Clay ran up the middle till he can to the door he stopped and kicked open the door he poked his head to the right....nothing then he looked the left....nothing. Smith went to the left the door was slightly open. He poked his head in and saw on other mechanical robot. He aimed and shot dead on the heart his sqaud must of heard because they came running. Clay ran over to the body "Hmmmm this robot is from the Flaming Skull's squadron but he was dead before you shot him Smith" Clay said to the squad. "How do you know?"asked  "Look at the veins on his neck they're almost popping out of his skin! He was strangled" Clay said.

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