My philosophy

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I like to think of myself as some kind of philosopher. I know what your thinking "this guy is calling himself a philosopher and his nick name is The Ripper oh he is most definitely the killer or whatever the fuck" well see your not wrong actually I'm quite fucked up but I'm not a horrible person. See I'm a pirate, a group of people that go out in search of treasure and fame. The reason my nick name is "The Ripper" is because 1. My first name is jack and 2. I have a power were I can actually rip you to shreds with the flick of my finger. No joke. I'm actually being dead serious "ewww this guy is way to over powered I don't want to read something about some type of God or something" I bet that's what half of the people that read that line up there thought. Just so you guys can catch up to were I am in life at this moment I'm gonna go back a few months or days I don't really know. By the way my philosophy or whatever the fuck is..... BOOOOOOM!! oh shit the fuck was that! FUCK I'll say it later but for now I gotta go FLASHBACK TIME WOOOOOOOOOSH!

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