My Hellboy

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Below is a picture of Jared and the song Monday by Ludovico Einaudi :) I wrote this late at night because I was bored so it might not be too good but I hope you like it, it would make me happy :DDD  love you guys <3


"Hannah! Get up and get ready for school!" My mother yelled from down the hall.

"Ugh" I groaned as I sat up in bed, I then picked out my uniform and brushed my straight brown hair. After I brusing my teeth and getting dressed, I put a little eyeliner and blush on. Just enough so it would make difference, but nobody would notice I was wearing makeup. I finished my look with a headband that had a yellow bow on it. The color yellow contrasted greatly with my hear and brought out my eyes.

Yes, my eyes were yellow.

A werid cat-like yellow with little strands of green in it. They had always captured atention, so I enjoyed being the girl with the cat eyes. 

I ran downstairs and grabbed a bowl of cereal. The news were on so I watched as I ate. I got bored of watching the same thing all over again, murder, rape, theft, politics... Ugh...

I had never enjoyed watching the news, so I put on a recording of Supernatural, my favorite TV series. I watched Sam and Dean do their thing, especially hottie Sam, until my mother said, "Hannah, honey, the school bus is here."

As I got on the school bus I was happy to see my friend Jared, who lived nearby, greet me with a warm smile and a hug. "Hannah, we're neighbors and I haven't seen you all summer!" I loved Jared's hugs, I always felt a strange sense of safety in his arms, and he always smelled good.

I tousled his red hair and said, "I've been in Italy all summer remember?"

"Of course I do! How was you trip?" He replied, looking interested.

"I loved it, Italy is beautiful." I said.

"I bet it is... Hey, next time take me with you." He winked at me.

I laughed, "I'll think about it."


By the time we got to school, Jared and I were so involved in our conversation that my best friend Melanie had to nudge us and say, "Hey have you two lovebirds noticed we're in school already?"

"Lovebirds, no, best friends is more like it." I said.

Jared faked a gasp, "Really?! I thought we were dating!"

"Shut up Jared." I said and then laughed at his reaction. He was such a funny guy. I loved him. I'd had a crush on him since we were kids but I got over it last year when he started dating someone else, then I figured we were better off as friends anyway. 

"Come on guys we're gonna be late." Melanie said as she pulled me by the arm.

We walked to school together and then Jared went to his separate homeroom. The teacher looked at me as she was passing atendance and said "Hannah Spencer, you look very nice today, but I want my boys to stare at me." She glared at a kid in the back of the class and I blushed. 

I proceeded to take a seat next to Melanie, who has a look of disgust on her face, "That was Joshua, what a weirdo." She whispered.

"Be nice." I glared at her. I didn't even know why I hung out with girls like her, I had always been kind of popular, but I never let it get to my head. I turned aroung and smiled apologetically at Joshua.

"Hannah Spencer, don't make me say your name again." I could tell she didn't like me.

"Yes ma'm."  I said as  glared at Melanie again when she laughed soundlessly.

The rest of the school day was filled with one boring class after the other, until lunch that is.  When I got to see Jared and the rest of my friends. We sat together and ate, telling each other about our summers. I blabbered on and o about my summer in Italy and was enjoying the conversation until I started getting a headache. I felt hot and dizzy.

"Excuse me guys, i think I need to take a walk outside." I said as i got up.

"But it's cold outside." Melanie said.

"That's fine, it's warm in here." I replied.

"No it's not, are you okay?" I saw worry in Jared's eyes. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No... I'm fine I just need to take a walk alone."

"Fine, but take my jacket with you." He tossed his navy blue hoodie at me.

When I got outside, the pain and the heat had begun to subside, and i realized it really was cold. I put Jared's jacket on and took a deep breath, inhaling his perfume. I smiled as I walked, remembering I had one of Jared's sweet-smelling jackets at home because I liked it so he told me I could keep it. I had taken it to Italy, pretending Jared was there with me seeing all the atttractions, and cool places like that strange little antique store where i bought a necklace with a half heart on it. It was so pretty, it didn't look like an antique to me. Plus I felt strangely attracted to it, i had to buy it.

As I thought about the neckIace which was currently hanging on my neck. I pulled it out and examined it. The broken heart was so thin and yet looked like it was made of clear quartz instead of glass, with white entwined lines and cracks inside, and smooth on the outside. It hung on a shiny silver necklace and was truly beautiful.

Out of sheer curiosity, I grabbed the crystal and looked through it, and I would have never imagined what I saw through that piece of glass...

 An angel... An angel with pitch black wings.

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