entry #1

25 1 0

Dear Diary,

Uh, I don't really know how to start writing my first diary entry- I mean, it feels awkward in a way since it's basically talk to yourself. Last time I wrote an entry was... I honestly don't remember. I lost that shabby book ages ago, it's probably in ruins...

In this room, that is.

I think I stumbled upon it while rummaging through old photographs and whatnot in my room, but by the time I read it, I swear different kinds of feelings was overflowing. Reminiscing the past feels so conflicting, and negative. I probably threw that book someplace that's not obvious, or maybe someone stole it which I can suspect. But that, I'm not sure.

And looking at my handwriting in that old diary just feels so... well, attacking? If that's the right word. 

So this is how writing your emotions feels like?

Astrid Helgisdottir

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