I wish ~chapter 20~

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OMG! I am so so so so sorry! I feel like a mother who has neglected her children. I’m not going to make up excuses this time as to be honest it was mostly just me being lazy but I did have my exams so I was actually doing something and not just sitting around all day. Plus my mum has been in hospital but that’s a long story for another time. I had a lot of directions I could have taken this story in, but I had to choose one direction (see the bad pun there?) and so now I have actually written the next chapter. I have a strange feeling that no one will read this because I’ve been gone so long but if you do read it then I hope you like it! Comment, vote, fan???

InsaneWeirdo xoxo ;)



(Mara’s P.O.V)

"H…hi." I stammered, not entirely sure why I was so nervous. He smiled at me and my heart pounded.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" he asked me.

"Erm, I don’t think so. Although it’s funny because I’d been wondering the same thing, but then again since I’m supposed to be a fan maybe that’s why I recognise you and…sorry, I’m rambling." I turned slightly red from embarrassment as I had just rambled to some famous guy.

"Supposed to be a fan?" he questioned me.

"Yeah, I hit my head or something and somehow the only thing I seem to have forgotten is One Direction." I explained to him. He must have thought I was crazy or something.

"It sounds odd but it’s true!" Jenna said from behind me. "She used to LOVE you guys! Until this morning of course." I felt my cheeks turning red again and when I looked up Niall’s were too.

"That must suck. Of all the things you could have forgotten and it was us!" Louis said causing us all to laugh.

"What’s your name?" Niall asked me after we’d all stopped laughing.

"Mara, my name is Mara." I told him and his eyes went wide.

"Mara?" I nodded at his question. "Now I remember why I recognised your face! I had a dream about you last night." He told me.

"Because that doesn’t sound creepy." Harry said sarcastically, but no one laughed. "That’s when you’re supposed to laugh." He pointed out but I was too interested in Niall’s dream about me.

"A dream? About me? What happened?" I asked him.

"We were in a graveyard and you were crying, crying golden tears and you were saying goodbye to me. I don’t remember where or why you were going but I felt heartbroken that you were leaving me and I don’t understand why. It was as if I knew who you were, but I mean I couldn’t have actually known you because we’ve only just met each other." Niall stared into my eyes the whole time as if he was trying to figure out who I was.

"That’s strange. A graveyard, golden tears…it sounds like something from a movie." I said, shaking the whole thing off. It was so odd that this famous guy who I’d never met before had dreamt about me the night before I actually met him. How could that just be a coincidence?

Half an hour later we had moved on to talking about more normal things. I was trying my hardest to get back my memories of One Direction, but it was like someone had removed this famous boyband from my mind. Jenna was over the moon with the fact that she had met the boys, whereas I was hardly bothered, apart from the fact that I may have found Niall very attractive and sweet. It was nearly the end of our time with the boys when Niall came over to me again.

"Are you free tomorrow?" he asked me. I could feel billions of butterflies in my tummy as I nodded.

"Do you fancy going out with me? We could go to Nandos…or somewhere else if you’d prefer?" he asked me and I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to ask him why the hell he wanted to go out with me as he’s way too good for me.

"Yeah, sure. Nandos sounds great." Was my actual response. I didn’t understand how I was so chilled about it.

"Ok, shall we meet there around 1 tomorrow for lunch?" he asked me, smiling.

"Yep. I’ll see you there then." I replied, smiling at him too.

"Come on Mara, we’ve got to go now." Jenna told me so we said goodbye to the boys. When I hugged Niall it felt strange, I couoldn’t put my finger on what it was but there was definitely something odd. Even with that I still never wanted to let go of him.

After Jenna and I left the concert I was feeling very happy. I was still annoyed that I didn’t remember who One Direction were but Niall was amazing and I couldn’t wait till I could see him again. Maybe then I would learn more about his dream. Little did I know that my happiness wouldn’t last. Someone else had other plans…

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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