a memory

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I looked across the moon-log city as I rested on the roof. The air was quiet, but I could still hear the faint sounds of cats on the streets below. The moon-light seemed to dance across every building it touched, illuminating them like paintings in a museum.

I turned my head to look through the window and into my bedroom. Just passed my bedroom door I could hear my parents arguing. Their voices seemed to carry endlessly through the empty halls of our home, almost ghost-like.

The cool night air whirled around me, sending shivers up my spine, making me momentarily forget about everything else. There was a richness about this air, something I couldn't quite explain but it gave the night body, life, something I could hold on to.

Time seemed to pass slowly while I sat out here. Five minutes that felt almost like an eternity, giving me time to think and  observe the world around.

Muffled voices could still be heard through the thin walls. After hours -- days -- of almost constant arguing, their voices were beginning to soften, and soon stopped all together.

The night felt even calmer now, without the steady hum of voices. The air seemed to clear, as if the ending of my parents argument lifted a weight off the whole worlds shoulders.

In a perfect world I would have stayed on this rooftop gazing at the city beneath me all night. This was not a perfect world and I knew I needed to leave my short-lived fantasy and return to reality.

I picked myself off the hard shingles and began my journey through the tiny hole in my wall.

Everything seemed to change when I passed through the window. The cool night air turned to warm morning sun, while the quiet city became loud again.

I looked around my room, taking in the posters that lined my walls, the clothes spilling endlessly out of my dresser drawers, and the countless number of shoes thrown across my floor.

My feet sunk into the plush carpeting, squishing up between my toes and conforming to the soles of my feet. I took a few steps forward, pausing each time to savor the feeling beneath me.

I could hear the voices begin again, traveling through the halls, up the air vents, and gathering in my room. My head began to pound, the voices seeming to be ten times louder now. My chest tightened. I shut my eyes tight, trying to stop the pain.

I felt myself sway forward, and loosing my balance, I fell. I felt the side of my head hit my dresser, and my body landing on objects that had been carelessly through around my room.

My head continued to pound, the voices continued to grow louder and louder with each passing moment.

And then, everything went black.

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