She Had It Coming

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Court Day

"We the jury find Annalise Keating guilty of First Degree murder..." The jury foreman kept reading the charges and verdicts. Annalise slumped back in her chair, closed her eyes.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen of the jury." The judge said as he dismissed the 12 people who had held Annalise's fate in their hands. "Baliff, please take Ms. Keating into custody."

Annalise glanced back at Bonnie Winterbottom, her right hand woman, as the officer put the handcuffs on her. No words were necessary as Annalise was walked out of the courtroom.


"We should throw a holiday party!" Asher Millstone declared as he sat next to Laurel Castillo, one of his colleagues. "We could get turnt up."

"Nobody says that anymore." Wes Gibbins shot back with a smile on his face. "Though a party does sound like a good idea."

"We have finals coming up, we don't have time for a party." Laurel rolled her eyes. She was tired of having to remind the boys that while they had a job with Annalise, they were also students. "Shouldn't we be studying rather than trying to party?"

"Where are Ms. Pratt and Mr. Walsh?" Annalise asked as she walked into the room. "We have a new client coming in and this will be an all hands on deck case."

"What's the case?" Asher asked, the smile leaving his face. Thoughts of debauchery leaving his head. "Is the client hot?"

"Mr. Millstone, there will be no sleeping with the client," the irritation in Annalise's voice was hard to miss. She put her hands on her hips and pursed her lips. "This law firm has become a hot bed of sexual harassment and that stops now."

"Why because Nate isn't giving you any?" Wes snarked but regretted it immediately. Boss lady narrowed her eyes on him and took in a deep breath. "Sorry, Annalise. That was out of line."

She ignored Wes and continued on with her thought. "Country singer Mary Cooper is accused of killing her husband and his new girlfriend. We can expect a lot of tabloid coverage on this case. This isn't going to be an easy win for us."

"Didn't that happen in New York City? How are we going to defend it?" Laurel asked. The room went silent for a moment.

"I'm liscensed to try cases in New York. I'll need all of you to come with me." Annalise swooped out of the room. Before any of them could say anything, she reappeared in the doorway. "I've already spoken with the other professors and cleared all of you from finals. This case will be your final exam."

"Nothing like a pass or fail exam to ruin your life..." Asher sighed, echoing the thoughts of the others.

Court Day

"We need to clear Annalise of these charges. We can appeal of there is new evidence brought to light." Bonnie said, words jumbling together. Frank Delfino simply nodded his head, there was a plan that he had been working on since everything had happened. "I can't help but think that Annalise is being framed but by who?"

"We both know that she has an enemy list as long as California. Whoever did this, took a page right out of her book."

"Are you saying that it was someone we work with? One of the Keating Five?" There was no way that Bonnie would believe that anyone close to her boss, her idol, could do anything like this. "Why would anyone hate Annalise so much?"

"She's not exactly been a pleasure to be around lately." Frank answered, his voice monotone. "The only person who willingly choose to be around her, besides you, was Eve."

"You didn't answer the question, Frank. Who do you think framed Annalise?"

Before he could answer a shot rang out....

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