He's After Me: A Harry Styles Fanfiction

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I sat around waiting for my roommate to finish applying her makeup whilst I sat on the couch watching whatever was on channel 53. "Are you gonna walk away from that mirror anytime soon, Miranda?" I yelled from the living room. "Would you calm down and give me a minute, geez!" I sighed and slumped down even more on the couch. I always wondered why Miranda took so much more time to get ready than me even if we took the same time to pick out our outfits and get our makeup done. I was dying of boredom so I decided to get up and make myself a small alcoholic beverage before we left to hit Miami's most popular club, The Mixer. I'd barely moved to Miami 4 months ago, but never really got the chance to go out and explore due to my interior design career job. Truth was, I hated being an interior designer. The endless hours at the office, sorting out order forms and design requests by customers, and having to spend even more time at customer's homes helping them renovate their master bedrooms and last but not least, help select a wallpaper design. What I really inspired in life was to own my very own daycare and care for small children. Oh how I love kids and their vast curiosity for things in life, but of course my parents forced me to be an interior designer because they were paying my college fees and being a designer payed well. "Are you ready to go, Charity?" said Miranda suddenly. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Um yeah, let me just grab a small sweater and I'll be right out in the car." Miranda nodded, grabbed her car keys, and headed out the door. I walked into my neat and organized bedroom (the complete opposite of Miranda's) and grabbed the nearest sweater I could find. It was early in January so it was quite chilly out. I was finally walking out the door and hopped into Miranda's white Honda. Her dad always bought her everything she wanted from clothes to shoes to even automobiles. I guess you can call Miranda your typical white girl, while I was the shy, quiet, Hispanic one. Miranda and I have been best friends since 7th grade. We were assigned Language Arts class together and soon became like sisters. She moved to Miami a year before me to study Law here but soon dropped out because it didn't interest her. Now she works as a part time veterinarian assistant and part time secretary for an insurance business across town since her daddy refuses to pay for her part of the rent.

The whole car ride to the club included the radio being blasted with today's hottest hits, Miranda singing along and applying her bright red lipstick onto her small lips. "Oh, I forgot to tell you that my boyfriend, Harry, and a couple of other friends are going too." Miranda said over the loud radio. I've never actually met Harry. Miranda described him to be the "sexiest man ever." She's told me he plays guitar for a heavy metal band called 'The Truth Is Out' and has a wide variety of body tattoos. They've been going out for quite some times now. Back in Washington, Miranda dated every guy in sight. Like a shorter and blonder version of Taylor Swift except Miranda didn't write break-up/love songs. I guess Harry is her solid rock because they've been together for 7 months since they have met at this pool party back home. Harry decided to move to Miami also to continue their relationship and be close. I wanted a relationship like Miranda's. The one where the guy treats the girl like a princess. The one where they take those adoring couple pictures and upload them to Instagram with a cute caption. But most importantly, one where the two love each other eternally and hold one another when they're broken. Hopefully Miami had something to offer like that. As Miranda pulled into the parking lot of the club, I saw all these women wearing tight, low cut, and short dresses showing off all their body parts while I wore a simple spaghetti strap blouse, skinny jeans, and a small blazer. Miranda, on the other hand, was dressed like all those women walking into the club. We both got out of the car and started walking up to the entrance with our I.D's in hand. Once we got in, the flashing lights flooded the room. The bass in the music could be felt through my chest. Everyone around were either on the dance floor dancing or at the booths or bar chatting away with a drink in hand. "Hey, look it's Christy and Taylor! Oh, and Tyler!" Christy greeted me warmly with a hug and Taylor greeted me with a handshake. Tyler was too busy texting someone to notice me, but I really didn't care if he said 'hi' to me. "I'm gonna go look for Harry!" Miranda yelped over the loud music. She ran off and left me alone with her friends. They invited me to take a shot after the awkward silence between us passed. They later invited me to the dance floor where I had a blast dancing with the big crowd. Christy and Taylor went off to the restroom to re-apply their makeup. I was left alone for a while so I decided to go to the bar and order myself a shot. As I was waiting for the bartender to make my drink, I felt someone staring at me. My body wanted to shiver. I turn to my right and see a tall, curly-haired guy with sparkling green eyes leaning against the serving table, smirking and looking right at me. I gave him a half smile and turned to receive my drink. Feeling uncomfortable, I reach into my back pocket, pull out my cell phone, and text Miranda to see where she's at. 'Where are you?' I quickly typed. Seconds later, I get a message back saying, 'Still looking 4 Harry, brb l8ter!' I sighed and stared out into the the crowd of young adults dancing and having the time of their lives. I could still feel a pair of eyes looking at me up and down. As if they were carefully scanning my every feature. From the corner of my eye, I can see the handsome guy walking up to me. He leans down to my ear and whispers, " You here alone?" I look up to him and shake my head. "Who are you waiting for?" he asks. "I'm waiting for a friend who's looking for her boyfriend." "Hmmmm...," he says as he looks up and scowers the dance floor. "Why don't we go dance while you wait?" he said with the biggest smirk. "Uhhh... I don't know." "C'mon, for one song, please?" he said while pouting his lip like a 5 year old that wanted a piece of candy. "I guess so..." I said as I straightened my posture and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. He holds his hand out and I take it as he leads me to the herd of dancing maniacs. The song that was playing had a nice, electric beat to it. We first started dancing facing each other but somewhere in the song, he turned to be behind me. I could feel him grind his body into mine. Something about that moment, the moment of me dancing carelessly with a complete stranger made me feel unstoppable and made all the other dancers disappear and go to another world. As soon as the song was over, he moved away and I turned around. His eyes were set on my lips and I could tell what was happening next. His lips crashed into mine. He was such a good kisser. The way he moved his lips was inpecable. Our kiss might have turned into a mess, because it was turning into a make out session. My hands were entangled in his long, curly, chestnut hair. His hands were all over my back and bottom. After sharing sloppy kisses for about 5 minutes, I pulled away. I smiled, giggled, and then looked at the ground. It was a force of habit. I always did that whenever I got extremely embarrassed. 'I just kissed a complete stranger.' I kept saying in my head. "Do you wanna go sit at a booth?" "Uh yeah." I said sheepishly. As I sat down, he was bringing 2 margaritas. "What's your name, love?" he asked. "Charity," I resonded with a small smile. "Gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl." he said while smiling back to me. "What's you-" I was starting to say but was interruppted by Miranda. "There you are Harry!  I was calling and texting you like crazy! Didn't you hear your phone?" "Sorry, I had it on silent." he quickly resoonded. 'Oh my gosh, Charity! No you did not! You didn not just make out with your roommate/best friend's boyfriend like 15 minutes ago!' I yelled to myself in my mind. I looked down in guilt. "Have you met Harry, Charity?" I lifted my head up to see Miranda holding hands with Harry, smiling. "Um yeah, we were discussing politics and what not." I said with a sheepish smile. God, I was such an idiot. "Well I'm glad my best friend and boyfriend have met because now I have the 2 best people in my life." She turned to Harry and kissed him on the cheek. Miranda pulled out her phone from her purse and started to text Taylor to tell her she found Harry. While doing so, Harry took a sip of his drink while giving me a devilish stare. When he finished swallowing his beverage, he smirked. Did he think what he did was fine?!? Harry looks like the type of guy that seduces a girl with his hot and sexy features, gets her to get in bed with him, then moves onto his next victim. I was not about to fall into his trap; not with him.

I felt unsteady and uncomfortable the rest of the night. I was invited out to dance multiple times but declined the guys due to the guilt eating me alive. I glared at my phone's clock and it read 3:08 a.m. I wanted to go home. My head was starting to pounce like a heart beat was taking over my blood flow. I could see Miranda and Harry coming up to me. "Let's go?" Miranda asked with her slurred speech. I nodded my head. I stood up and started walking towards the exit doors when suddenly I felt a hand slap my behind. I turned around to see Harry holding up his hands as if he was saying, 'It wasn't me', with that stupid smirk. I murmured an 'ugh' under my breath and continued to walk, now towards the car. "Hey, can I crash at your place tonight, babe?" Harry asked the drunked Miranda. "Yeah!" she said in a peppy voice. What!? Was she crazy for letting him stay at our apartmen? This night was getting worse and worse. Miranda walked to the driver's side while I stood waiting on the passenger's side. Harry was on the same side of the car as me. I felt that same sensation of Harry's eyes grazing my body. This time I shivered. Once the car was unlocked, I got in quickly. As we got onto the road, the car was silent. Miranda broke the tension by asking, "Did you have a good time?" I answered weakly, "Yeah, I haven't had this much fun in a long time." "Well I'm glad to hear that, Charity." said Harry from the back seat. He let out a short laugh. I wanted to punch him in the face for saying that. Flashbacks of that kiss made me more guilty than I already was. 'Should I confess to Miranda what happened to get it off my chest? I bet she'll understand if I tell her it was an honest mistake.' I kept contemplating this in my head the whole ride home. Before I knew it, we were parking in the buildings lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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