Cheating In High School

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Have you ever gone to a class and taken a test and you seriously have no clue as to what your lookin at on the page. So you start looking around the room and everyone is writing except for you "I hate that feeling"
So than you have no choice but to freestyle. And the next morning you get your test BOW!!! A big old fat E.
Than you say fuck this I'm studing. But if your like me and you suffer from procrastination and you wait till the night before to even open your book to study.
And then you study like a boss. You got that book open and your studying for hours.
You cover up the answer and you read yourself the question and answer it..
So the next day you take the test, and BOW!!! A big old fat F

So I than start doing what some of you guys do. I CHEAT. But I did it wrong at first. I did what most of you do. Freestyle, when you look to the person next to you and start copying. I learned that you can't do it that way, because there are to many snitches and people write sloppy so you can't actually see what they are writting. And I think to myself "how the hell am I soppose to cheat of from you when your hand writing looks sloppy."
Cuz the sloppy you are writing the more I have to stare at your paper and figure out what chicken crap your writing. Which then increases my chances of getting caught. It would make me so mad " I would just want throw my pencil at them and run over and tear they're paper

So I tried to freestyle cheat and BOW!!! A big old fat F.
I gave up, I was like bump this. I am gonna fail this dump class and I don't care anymore. But the next test we have I started to notice some sketchyness going on.
I would here sounds like people caufing, and how comes sweetkisser33 always develops this flu symptoms when we write a test.
And then I saw it, she caufs and the Apes around her would write the answer, and then she would sniffle and the same Apes would write down the answer. And I'm Like what the fuck is going on here. This was a multiple choice test."This people are cheating"
I look over to the teacher and she has absolutely no clue to what is going on .

So I am like fuck this everyone else is cheating and they didn't include me in this.
So I was like nah its not going down like this. So I device a plan and first thing I needed was a clan.
So I get my friend Pupee and Menelik.
I was gonna be the POINT MAN Pupee was gonna be the DEVISOR and Menelik did not know shit so he was gonna be the FREELOADER.
So we are in history class and the day before we actually take the test. The teacher would ask us some of the questions. The question book was always kept in the drawer. And it was always multiple choice questions.
So at the end of class he leaves class and the book on the drawer. So I then get Menelik and Pupee in a corner and explain to them how the plan is gonna work.
So the day before the test. The teacher gets back up and starts asking us the questions again. After class he leaves the book again on the drawer. So me and the clan go through our strategy agian, to whats gonna happen .

So my friend Pupee goes to the teacher to ask a question which was pretty much like
"Uhm sir I have a question on the inbortand of 1839 on what happed"
To be honest I'm not smart but I know that, that shit does not exist.
So while she was there keeping the teacher busy my boy Menelik gets up and starts reading all the answers for 2mrws test he's like "A.A.D.B.C.A. So the teacher looks at him and say "what are you doing reading the answers"
And Menelik is like no "nothing its not like I'll remember all this answers".
So the teacher gets back to answering Pupee.
But little does he know my boy Menelik has a voice recorder recording the answers the whole time.

So me Pupee and Menelik go outside and listen to the recorder and start memorising this shit."TAKE A WILD GUESS WHAT WE DO NEXT
We turn the answers into a rap song that's goes like

" we did not choose thug life, thug life chose us"

So next thing we walk into the class like real thugs and we are about to handle our bitness. Stone cold and our game faces on. We get the test and everyone things I'm crazy cuz I'm mumbling singing the answers out.
"I'm like A.A.D.B.C.A..."

And then we get the test back the next day and BOW!!! A big old fat A.

"The teachers job is to grade the students mind not the paper"-Lothar
So think about that

And that's how we justified it. We were not cheating we were collaborating


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