Chapter 6: Another Academy?

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"Fubuki!" There were loud, repetitive, annoying knocking noises that followed the shout.

A door opened with a slam. "How do you know where I live? Or rather, how did you find out?" Fubuki deadpanned with a glare.

The boy grinned but brushed his question off, not wanting to tell him his methods, which persisted of asking around and following him. "I found out that we have a kenjutsu school!"

Fubuki raised an eyebrow, he didn't know that, but it wasn't that surprising. "Hello. We live in the mist village, with the Seven Swordsmen..." Fubuki smirked at his friend's expression. Takahiro pouted.  "Now why distur-"

"Hey!" He poked Fubuki in the chest. He didn't realize that he cut him off in the middle of a thought, Fubuki's irritation was skyrocketing. "Don't look at me like I'm stupid! Of course I know! I just... forgot... temporarily."

Fubuki sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance, "As you were saying?"

"We have a kenjutsu school."

"Yes... You just told me."

"We have a kenjutsu school."

Fubuki stared at him blankly and Takahiro stared back, temper slowly building.

"We. Are. Going. To. Visit. It!" He shouted and went to grab Fubuki's wrist.

"You aren't going to let me out of this are y—of course not." He cut himself off at the stubbornness that was coming off of Hiro in waves. He sighed, "Just let me get changed. It's not even a school day and you come barging in at six in the morning."

"Kay!" Hiro singsonged happily, the innocence in his voice made a bead of sweat form at Fubuki's temple. A few minutes passed and Hiro was getting impatient.

He could have let me in... He doesn't have... What's the word... Hospitality! Shaking out of his stupor, Hiro went to knock on the door. "Fu-" The door opened before the shout came as Fubuki came out.


"Jeez, you took long enough."

"I took a shower. It took about ten minutes."

"That's too long. Now come!" Takahiro grabbed his wrist and dragged him off.

"... Do you even know where it is?"

Hiro just smiled and shook his head. Fubuki took a deep breath and held back the urge to punch Takahiro upside the head.

"I haven't even had fucking breakfast."

"Oh I didn't know you were a grump grump in the morning!"

That's because of you Takahiro... Fubuki felt a vein bulge on his forehead near his twitching eyebrow.

He reined his anger in, grumbling. "I... need... food..."

"Don't worry okay? I'm for sure this time that it's this way!"

Fubuki sighed, "This is just the way to the academy." He knew from the familiar road that they were heading down. Hiro started humming and swinging his arms, twirling around and skipping.

"Mmhmm!" He grinned. He was excited to find out what the place was like.

Fubuki followed the unusually peppy boy down a narrower road that went further out. The forest got thicker and they came to another building. The building was smaller than the academy, but Fubuki wasn't really sure. It was really foggy so he couldn't tell if the building had any more levels.

Hiro jumped with a twirl and lifted his arms, as if showcasing the building. "This is it!"

Fubuki couldn't understand how he could yell so loud in the morning. He was just glad that he had brought his bag along. It had a small scroll with food in it and Fubuki was so glad that he brought it. So glad.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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