I think the worst part about teachers is they think we have unlike time for their subjects. My math teacher (who, trust me, is great but doesn't understand math is fricking impossible) always assigned homework that was either too hard or it made NO SENSE. I am a busy kid, and I'll be honest: one of the laziest. But that does not give my teacher a right to give me MATH: (Mental Abuse Towards Humans), so my dumb plan was based on the fact math was in the crack of dawn. This meant I was using my brain at eight o'clock in the morning- or as I like to call it, TIME I SHOULD BE SLEEPING. Anyway, I used this to my advantage. While the teacher would give the lesson, I would half-ass my math homework under the table. Then, at the end of class when she'd collect it, it would be half done, for half credit. I was missing lessons, failing the class, and falling behind. And guess what? At the end of the trimester my grade was a C- . I'm so smart.