Chapter 1

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There is someone out there tying up, raping, robbing and then killing them. They have been on the case for three weeks and were up to a body count of three.

Nick: Okay this is crazy, we've been on this case for three weeks now and we don't have any leads.

Rollins: And we still haven't found a connection between the victims.

Olivia: I think I might've found something. (She says coming into the bullpen)

N: What?

O: Well, I talked to a few people and they spotted all out victims at the same club.

Finn: And?

O: It was a gay club.

R: But all our victims were married.

O: But they were all seen at this club.

Captain Cragen: Benson, you and Amaro go to this club. Finn, you and Rollins go through everything that we have on these guys and find out what else we don't know about them.

N: Okay. (He said taking his suit jacket and following Olivia out)

=In The Car=

N: So where are we going? (He asked pulling out into traffic)

O: A club on 25th and 2nd, called 'The Flaming Dragon'.

N: What? (He said startled)

O: 25th and 2nd, 'The Flaming Dragon'.

N: Oh, uh... uhm okay.

O: What's wrong, do you know the place?

N: No, it's not that. Don't worry about it.

O: How can I not, you're my partner?

N: It has nothing to do with work.

O: Nick, you know that you can always talk to me about anything right? (She asked softly)

N: I do and thank you for that but at the moment... I'm fine.

O: Okay.

The rest of the drive was silent even thought Olivia knew something was off about Nick, she decided to drop it... for now. When they got to the club, Olivia's phone started ringing just as they got out of the car.

O: Go ahead, I'll quickly take this and meet you inside.

N: Okay.

Nick threw the keys to Olivia and took the pictures of the victims that she was holding. He walked towards the door and took a deep breath, something that Olivia didn't fail to notice. He walked in and went directly towards the bar without looking around much.

Bartender: Nick, isn't it a bit early to be at a club?

N: I'm uh, I'm on the job... so can you, uh, please...

Bartender: Don't worry. I don't know you and I've never seen you before.

N: Thank you. (He said sincerely) Okay, so um... have you seen these three guys here? (He asked showing him the pictures)

Bartender: Uh they all usually come in like once or twice a week but I haven't seen these two in the last couple of weeks and I saw his one on Monday night. (He said gesturing to the latest victim) What happened to them?

N: They were raped and murdered.

Bartender: What. (He said as Olivia walked up to the bar)

N: This is my partner, detective Benson.

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